Senator Kamala Harris, who was chosen by Joe Biden to be his running mate, has some bills to pay. After suspending her campaign in December 2019, Harris owes more than $1.1 million in unpaid bills, according to the Federal Election Committee.
Harris, who suspended her campaign partly due to fundraising concerns, raised around $39 million, but spent $40 million as she tried to put her name on the top of the ticket. Bloomberg News reported she owes $528,883 to Perkins Come LLP, $160,702 to Torchstone Global LLC, and $92,408 to SCRB Strategies. Because of federal law, Harris campaign cannot official close until all debts are paid.
While Harris joining the ticket helped Biden raise $48 million in just 48 hours, election laws limit how much his campaign can help hers. Biden/Harris presidential race can only give $2,000 to Harris’ debt, and the Democratic National Committee can only give $5,000. Biden and Harris will have to ask their supporters to help pay off her sum, which will be a problem as the two focus on the November election, and need all the money for the current race they can get.
As Democrats have painted Harris as a moderate in an attempt to restructure the narrative from her presidential run, President Trump has been quick on the offensive. In an interview with Eric Bolling, Trump said, “She’s the nastiest of anybody in the Senate. She was the worst, meanest person to Judge Kavanaugh who became Justice Kavanaugh. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Trump continued that he “heard” Harris was the most liberal senator in the Senate, beating out socialist Senator Bernie Sanders.
As the virtual Democrat National Convention enters its second night, the Biden/Harris ticket is doing its best to appeal to the progressives and moderates in their party. After last night, however, the two are already facing backlash from the Black Lives Matter movement, who are upset Biden said, “most cops are good.” As Harris made history as the first woman of color to be on a presidential ticket, Biden and Harris are facing and uphill battle as they try their best to appeal to all factions within their party.
At a dollar a pop, that would take Kamala a while to earn off her caboose.