Image by Elijah Riot

While cities in America look increasingly like war zones, politicians are stepping their foot down.  At first, the peaceful protests that soon turned into rioting and looting was all to fight systemic terrorism.  But now, as months have passed since the death of George Floyd, and as cities continue to descend into chaos, even Democrats are starting to agree with Trump that law and order must prevail. 

Most recently, protests erupted over the police shooting of Jacob Blake. In response, President Trump said he would said federal officers to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and he has already spoken o the phone with Governor Tony Evers. Trump tweeted, "We will NOT stand for looting, arson, violence, and lawlessness on American streets. "TODAY, I will be sending federal law enforcement and the National Guard to Kenosha, WI to restore LAW and ORDER!"

The governor has already called on the National Guard and plans to increase their numbers, with the purpose to “ensure individuals can exercise their right safely, protect state buildings and critical infrastructure, and support first responders and firefighters.”

The protests over Blake’s death have grown increasingly hostile, resulting in two deaths and a person injured Tuesday night. As the RNC enters its third night, this topic of systemic racism, law and order, and police brutality are going to be from and center for the most important campaign issues by both sides.