Image by Old White Truck

While Antifa has been dismissed by many politicians as a right-wing conspiracy theory, FBI Director Christopher Wray gave a different story in his testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee.

Wray said that Antifa is not a traditional organization, but is more of a movement, and there have been suspects identified who are a part of it. Wray told the committee, “Antifa is a really thing. It’s not a group or an organization. It’s a movement, or an ideology may be one way of thinking of it. And we have quite a number, and I’ve said this consistently since my first time appearing before this committee, we have any number of properly predicated investigations into what we would describe as violent anarchist extremists and some of those individuals self-identify with Antifa.”

Democrat lawmakers have been quick to dismiss Antifa as a false narrative. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Nadler in July said Antifa was a “fantasy” and “a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, DC.”

But Wray made sure to clear up any Democrat’s misconceptions. Wray said, “Antifa is a real thing. It’s not a fiction.” He continued, “They said, ‘I am Antifa’”

Republicans have been quick to point out the connection between the Black Lives Matter protests and Antifa, but as they are not an official organization, these accusations have been labeled a conspiracy. Wray, however, made sure to tell House members what is happening in the FBI with Antifa, and put to bed any story that Antifa is a false narrative. President Trump has been quick to point out the dangers of the anarchist group, and has made it a central part of his law and order message.