The Russian investigation took over the political world for years, but now, the chickens are coming home to roost. While the DC Court of Appeals refused to dismiss General Michael Flynn's case, more information is becoming public of just how much the FBI misused their power in order to take down President Trump.
In newly released documents, William Barnett, an FBI agent, told Justice Department investigators the Mueller probe was “unclear and disorganized.” But more importantly, he said that Flynn was not working with Russia and committed no crime. Barnett did say, however, that those within the FBI working on the Mueller investigation did.
While Flynn was interviewed and lied to the FBI, Barnett said he believes it was just to save his job, and not to cover up a crime. And moreover, Barnett said that the Mueller team had a “get Trump attitude.”
Flynn’s lawyers filed the information with the court on Thursday night as proof Flynn’s case should be dismissed. The document is 13 pages, and U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan has scheduled a hearing on Tuesday which may lead to his case dismissal
In a statement, Flynn’s family said, “Abusive, intentional lawless actions committed against the Republican, the President of the United States Donald J. Trump, and his NSA Director and our brother, General Mike Flynn, by a vile cabal of thugs in the FBI, DOJ, and Special Counsel’s office threatened the national security of our country and all Americans.”
Flynn’s family said there is now clear evidence of a “secret plot” with the purpose to “manufacture a crime to silence and destroy General Flynn.”