Senator Mitch McConnell has the votes he needs. And now, Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court Justice’s ninth seat, is set to begin the nomination process in the Senate on October 12th.
Amy Coney Barrett, who serves as a federal appeals court judge, has already been nominated by Trump to serve and passed in the Senate by a bipartisan vote. She is a fierce constitutionalist, and will make history by being the first working mom to be a Supreme Court Judge. The Democrats are going to have a hard time creating an opposition story for this choice, and will do what they can to stop her before the election. Americans saw as the Democrats ripped into Justice Kavanaugh, showing little care to how they tarnished his reputation and hurt his family.
Barrett graduated first in her class from Notre Dame law school, and clerked for the late Justice Scalia. Senator Roy Blunt said about Trump’s choice, “Judge Amy Coney Barrett, in both her judicial record and philosophy, has made clear her commitment to interpreting and upholding the law and the Constitution as they are written. I was proud to support her confirmation to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and look forward to supporting her confirmation to the Supreme Court. I urge our colleagues across the aisle to give this nomination the fir, thoughtful consideration it deserves.”
Chairman of the Judiciary Committee Senator Lindsey Graham said he is “committed to ensuring the nominee gets a challenging, fair, and respectful hearing. Graham said that the nomination can move forward knowing he chose a “highly qualified individual.”
Barrett formally accepted the nomination, and said judges must be “resolute” in setting aside their personal beliefs and focus on the law.
Why this matters: The confirmation process will influence the November 3rd election dramatically. As it will be televised, there will be so much press generated by both Republicans and Democrats, and it will greatly affect voter turnout, and voters’ choice for the presidential election.
I don't understand Why this starts on Oct. 12th-Why not sooner? First of all, you KNOW the Democrats would have done Exactly what the POTUS Trump has done-FOLLOWED THE LAW, as the law permits a President With HIS Party to DO! Just don't know Why the Oct.12th is the date of 'starting, instead of NOW.' Anyone know the answer to this? The Democrats are showing their "Classless Behavior, with Schumer Already disparaging the woman to be the SCOTUS Jurist, he NEVER shows any Class, and Neither does Pelosi...their party is vicious-hateful and does NOT care about this Republic or American Citizens...It's ONLY about Power/Money/Control with them!