While lawmakers attending the hearing, and usually the person testifying, normally have pages of notes before them in case they forget a point, Judge Amy Coney Barrett had her first viral moment of the confirmation process by showing just how well she knew her stuff.
When answering questions from Texas Senator Cornyn, he asked her, "You know most of us have multiple notebooks and books and other things like that in front of us. Can you hold up what you've been referring to in answering our questions?"
ACB then held up a blank notepad. Cornyn continued, “Is there anything on that?”
And showing her commitment to telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, ACB said, “Just a letterhead that says United States Senate.”
Republican politicians and commentators have made the contrast between Joe Biden’s alleged use of a teleprompter with ACB’s blank notepad.
Senate Judiciary Republican members have been overly complimentary about ACB’s judicial record and her commitment to the law. While there are often viral moments during a confirmation hearing, ACB’s could not have been more in her favor.
Why this matters: The Democrats are having a hard time finding negative angles to attack ACB. While they have attacked her position on Obamacare, she has been careful in her responses to reiterate that the law should be judged on the law, and not from political biases. Before the election, ACB’s performance will greatly help Republican support for President Trump’s reelection campaign, and influence voter turnout on November 3rd.