UPDATE: Postal Service Inspectors Interview Erie, Pa. USPS ‘Postmark’ Whistleblower; Whistleblower to O’Keefe: ‘I Told Them What I Told You’; Third Post Office Whistleblower Confirms USPS Sorts Late-Ballots to Special Bins; New USPS Whistleblower: Post Office Puts Aside Late Ballots For Future Counting
- U.S. Postal Inspection Service investigators went to Erie, Pa., today to interview the USPS Whistleblower.
- USPS Whistleblower revealed scheme to back-postmark ballots “Nov. 3” after Election Day
- New USPS Whistleblower, based in Coraopolis, Pa., told James O’Keefe his postmaster, supervisor told post office workers to collect and sort out late ballots Election Day.
- James O’Keefe: “Post offices in different parts of the country are systematically sorting off late-ballots, so they would be eligible for counting.”
[ERIE, PA.—Nov. 6, 2020] The U.S. Postal Service whistleblower assigned to the General Mail Facility here, who told Project Veritas he overheard his postmaster rebuke a supervisor for not back-postmarking a late ballot for Nov. 3, Election Day, said he was interviewed by postal inspectors today.
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The investigators from the United States Postal Inspection Service interviewed the whistleblower about what he witnessed and heard, he said.
“I told them what I told you,” the whistleblower said to Project Veritas founder and CEO James O’Keefe in a phone call this morning.
The whistleblower’s story was posted Thursday on the Project Veritas website. It centered around a conversation he overheard Wednesday, the day after the election.
“I was casing my route and I saw the postmaster pull one of our supervisors to the side,” he said. “He was pulling the supervisor, it was, and it was really close to where my case was—so, I was able to hear, listen in and I heard him say to the supervisor that they messed up yesterday.”
The whistleblower said he was curious about what was messed up.
“He told the supervisor they had postmarked one of the ballots for the fourth, instead of the third, because they were supposed to put them for third,” he said.
New USPS Whistleblower reveals his post office is collecting, sorting late ballots
A postal worker based in Coraopolis, Pennsylvania told James O’Keefe that both his postmaster and supervisor told post office workers to collect and sort out late ballots after Nov. 3, Election Day.
“Wednesday, the fourth, we checked in at the timeclock, the postmaster, then, told us that if we were to find any ballots on our routes that day, we were to collect them, keep them separate in a hod, which is what we call our plastic bins, and bring them back,” he said.
The whistleblower’s postmaster, James Malia, and his supervisor, William Wood, gave the instructions on how the ballots would be handled, he said.
“We would put them in another hod and they would be sent to be counted,” he said. "Firmly of the belief that they were going to be backdated."
James O’Keefe: “These were ballots collected Nov. 4?”
Coraopolis USPS Whistleblower: “Yes.”
O’Keefe said, “The new postal whistleblower’s testimony to us further confirms that post offices in different parts of the country are systematically sorting off late-ballots, so they would be eligible for counting.”
Erie-based USPS Whistleblower validates account by Traverse City, Michigan-based USPS Whistleblower
The Erie-based postal worker’s account lines up with the testimony of a postal worker from Traverse City, Michigan.
The Michigan USPS whistleblower said Wednesday there was a process set up for the post office workers involved in the bogus postmark scheme.
“We were told to collect any ballots that we find in mailboxes, collection boxes, et cetera, for outgoing mail, at the end of the day, we are supposed to separate them the standard letter mail, so they can hand-stamp them with yesterday’s date—and put them through the Express Mail system—to get wherever they need to go,” the Michigan USPS whistleblower said.