The non-profit electoral integrity group Citizens for Free Elections put out a damning advertisement video today which will be used to pressure battleground state legislatures to act in support of ensuring only legal votes count in the 2020 general election results.
The ad will begin running on Fox stations in addition to other media outlets and online.
The group is asking for donations to expand this media effort nationwide at this website: CitizensForFreeElections.org.
Legislators have to know and be told over and over. We will not forget who is with us and who is not. No more RINOs, not now, not ever.
"Brutal ads" can't pressure legislators to do anything. I'm glad folks are speaking out, don't get me wrong, but the Dems, RINOs and Deep Staters really don't care about ads. They have no shame. And since election fraud has now been (tacitly) approved of...they aren't worried about being voted out.
Tar and feathers might get their attention, as very likely would hanging... but, little else, I wager. These people either are compromised or else bought and paid for. Politicians almost exclusively are rascals. If they are not when they first attain elected office, the system soon will make them so.
FOX NEWS viewers have abandoned them...waste of $$. Short of being handcuffed & charged w/I BAIL, I doubt any of them care
the devil went down to georgia.....
Corruption on display so everyone can see.The election was a fraud and they are going to get by with it and the country be damned.It is finished.We now are a communists state.
Devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for an election to steal...
Election fraud/tampering should be a capital offense as it strikes at the heart of our system of gov't. We cannot actually have a free, Democratic/Constitutional government Republic if the corruption of our electoral system is the accepted norm.
Election fraud/tampering should be a capital offense as it strikes at the heart of our system of gov't. We cannot actually have a free, Democratic/Constitutional government/Republic if the corruption of our electoral system is the accepted norm.
Dominion machines didn’t ‘flip’ votes in Ware County, Georgia
Com’on Fat Checkers!
Most people are wise enough to figure out the truth themselves. When a machine like Facebook takes it upon itself to present just one side of an argument which in it is bias, bigoted & factually incorrect. Fact checking is a farce and you know it.
If you can’t face the truth move along we don’t have time for you. Again those that have money I think they can buy anything. My soul is not for sale and I will fight tyrannical regimes such as FaceBook, The AP, & Twitter with my last breath. For any of you Sheeple reading on the left’s platform move along ... there’s nothing to see, continue down your zombie path.
Only patriot
Signed Macg00
mrmacg0.0s at gmail dot com
Patriots only reply!
Ads can be effective because, if orchestrated competently, they can reach people otherwise hypnotized by the MSM.