A recent hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.
The Dominion machine counted results were wrong for all 4 Republicans by almost exactly 300 votes.
Granite Grok reported:
The Town of Windham used Dominion machines to count paper ballots and upon a believable hand recount, it was confirmed each Republican was machine-cheated out of roughly 300 votes.
To read more visit The Gateway Pundit.
Am I supposed to get excited or think the election will be overturned? Not hardly.
So, now you have proof, what are you going to do with it? Send it to the leftist courts where it will be thrown out just like all the others before ir?
As the other readers & commenters have posited & I can’t agree more, this NEEDS to be addressed & all counties NEED to be audited.
Justice delayed is indeed justice denied in this case. They stole an election, they let terrorists run amok for months, they destroyed our economy with ineffective lockdowns, they're forcing people to take a dangerous, untested unnecessary vax, and they caused a riot at the Capitol Bldg and blamed it on the right so they could have even more control of us. Secession would be far better than this.
There's no need to get excited about it when there's nothing that can be done to change anything. If "they" can steal an election in broad daylight, there's nothing "they" can't do. So sit back and enjoy the tyranny.
Wow, give it to the Congressional GOP and they will use it to overturn the fraudulent erection. /sarc