AZ State Senator Mark Finchem Gives Update On Election Audit
State Representative Mark Finchem speaking before the Arizona State Senate Finance Committee at the Arizona State Capitol in Phoenix, Arizona
Image by Gage Skidmore

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AZ State Representative Mark Finchem sent out an email update today on the election audit of the 2020 presidential election in Maricopa County.

April 11, 2021-"After exhausting every legal dodge attempt possible, the Maricopa County Supervisors finally got the message... or did they?  Now the Maricopa Supervisors are attempting to undermine the audit by refusing to allow the auditors on-site access to inspect the suspect equipment used to count votes. Come hell or high water, we  will have this audit.  This isn't their election, it belongs to the PEOPLE."-Representative Mark Finchem, Arizona, Legislative District-11

The Democrat narrative is crumbling, but the silk-stocking K Street narrative that the PEOPLE have no right to scrutinize THEIR ELECTION is leading to an overwhelming call for election processes reform. In our sister state of Georgia, where election fraud has been proven, major corporations are punishing state representatives who try to improve election security with threats of economic sanctions.

The Arizona Senate contract auditors have been threatened with legal action by the radical leftist law firm Perkins Col, which tells us all that the left is terrified we will finally learn the truth. The more the Arizona House and Senate work to end voter nullification through fraud, the greater the hue and cry from Democrats and their fact denying sycophant media. Nullification of legal votes must end! Nullification is the disenfranchisement of legal voters by those who vote illegally.

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