IO 26 - Interview with Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, USAF on CRT in DoD, His Book Irresistible Revolution

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After CDMedia's interview with Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier, USAF, where he detailed his believe the U.S. armed forces are facing a Maoist revolution, Lt Col Lohmeier was relieved of command Friday evening. Lohemier recently published the book Irresistible Revolution.

Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, was relieved from his post Friday by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, the head of Space Operations Command, over a loss of confidence in his ability to lead, has exclusively learned.

"This decision was based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast," a Space Force spokesperson said in an email. "Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity."

Lohmeier sat down last week with L. Todd Wood of the podcast "Information Operation," hosted by Creative Destruction, or CD, Media, to promote the book. He spoke about U.S. institutions, including universities, media and federal agencies including the military, that he said are increasingly adopting leftist practices. These practices -- such as diversity and inclusion training -- are the systemic cause for the divisive climate across America today, he said.

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