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UPDATE 1300 EST - from Arizona Conservatives Take Action
Liz Harris and the itsmellsfunny.com team have been quietly canvassing in Arizona since early December. On War Room today, Liz revealed their findings from the last 2 months of focused work in Maricopa County.
Liz & team knocked on more than 11K doors and received 4,570 responses. Of those, more than a third (34.23%) said they voted in the 2020 election, yet the record lists them as not having voted. If this figure is representative of all of Maricopa County, it would mean that approximately 173K votes were potentially “lost.”
Captain Seth Keshel revealed info of the impossibility of Biden, and Democrat wins down ticket in Maricopy County, AZ today on War Room Pandemic.
Concerned citizen Liz Harris from Maricopa County followed his presentation with a provocative report detailing a private canvass conducted by her citizen-led team.
"We the People in Arizona set up our own canvassing operation since December." Harris outlined her in-depth training and selection process for the all-volunteer effort.
Major Findings: 34.23% of people canvassed were reported as not having voted - but told canvassers they did vote. These were categorized as 'lost votes'. In other words, registered voters declared they voted but their votes were not registered. The total was 173,000 for possible 'lost votes'.
Ghost Votes: 96, 389 vote came from addresses where no vote possibly could have been cast.
A large percentage of In Person Voters had 'mail-in' ballot also counted in election
Harris is now getting all 50 states to do a full canvas.
The report can be downloaded on the tab below:
So, when will we have CNN, MSNBC, The NY Times, and The Washington Post reporting that AZ was not actually a Biden win? When will we see an asterisk next to AZ in the official websites and history books? I want to see an admittance of the FACT that this was very very far from "the most secure election in history." I want to see the left admit that Biden is not even a legitimate PotUS.
The Left cheats and lies so much it's staggering. But...we keep letting them get away with it.
I wonder what we'll find in the urban areas of the remaining swing states. I'm sure it'll be eye opening to say the least.
What many people do is to get tunnel vision. By that I mean they are only looking at the presidential Election and people are waking up tom the fact that the Election of Biden and " Heels" is a complete hoax on the voters of this country. I looking at only the Presidential election they are missing the LOCAL, STATE and Non Presidential candidates for office. How many of the population went to bed only to finds that the election was upside down from when they went to bed? How many Senators, Governors, Congressional Reps and local mayors should not be in their office but are due to the fraud on their part and not real and honest votes they are now robbing us blind! There are a lot of people who should find themselves in prison with very long terms. Voter fraud is NOT a casual misdemeanor it is a lot closer to treason and should be treated as such! I would bet that there more than a few states that would be GOP and NOT Marxist/dem with honest elections. But then most of us know that already!
So true Robert. where i am at we have had a dem Mayor for a bit, He took it easy this cycle only to be beat by a woman socialist with a very long arrest record. He was going for a write in but won a spot back on the ticket/ballot Even as a conservative i say he was best for Bflo.
The ONLY reason that senile, little girl fondling, incompetent Joe Biden and the ho Commie-la Harris are in power is because of massive voter fraud.
Nasty Pelosi KNOWS that the election was rigged
Chuck U. Schumer KNOWS that the election was rigged
Shithead Schiff Knows that the election was rigged
The entire DemocRAT party KNOWS that the election was rigged
The entire GOP KNOWS that the election was rigged
The lying morons in the fake news left-wing media KNOW that the election was rigged
The conservative media KNOWS that the election was rigged
Anyone with half a brain KNOWS that the election was rigged
Anyone with an IQ over 80 KNOWS that the election was rigged
I agree with Sam I Am. If this continues under the democrats, then we no longer have a democracy. That is unacceptable to me as well as many other Americans, I am sure. The result of this is that we have an incompetent president that no one wants and is more important, dangerous for this country. You only have to look at the debacle in Afghanistan.
Just know things are not what they appear. Delta one activated. Green light go. Military is in control.
They have it all. This has been in the making for over 40 years. Started with JFK warning us of the evil and corruption that was infratrating our Government and country. Game over.
In a REAL Live Republic, any questions regarding the validity and veracity of a presidential election would be resolved post haste.
This abortion will continue on for at least a decade.
Why isn't the GOP working day and night to resolve?
Because they were active participants in the corruption.
Voting in American elections is now the exclusive purview of American idiots.
What I would like to know: What can be done by We the People? If there's truly voter fraud ( which we have no doubt), what is the next step? I'm ready to get our country back on track morally and ethically. And yes! I want justice. I want those perpetuating evil to be given their due punishment. So do we just sit and wait? I'm ready to DEMAND that this be corrected. NOW!