Reports Of Possible Election Fraud Surface In Westport, CT School Board Race

Image by WestportWiki
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UPDATE 1830 EST - The CT Secretary of State has increased the votes received for Alma Sarelli 335% after Westport residents contacted the town and the Secretary of State regarding fraudulent vote totals.
If there was this big an 'error' in votes for a BOE candidate, what else is wrong with the 'results' of last Tuesday's election? Restoring election integrity is vital before this nation can continue as a republic.

School board meetings have been ground zero for the fight against the Marxist ideology of Critical Race Theory (CRT) across the nation, and sleepy Westport, CT has been no exception. CDMedia wrote about this phenomenon in a recent article.
Now it seems Westport may have joined another nationwide battle -- the fight against election fraud.
CDMedia has received multiple reports of votes not being counted during last week's local elections for write-in candidate Alma Sarelli.
Sarelli ran as a write-in candidate for one of several Westport school board seats up for grabs last Tuesday. The town was filled with signs to 'Write in Alama for BOE' and instructions on how to do so at the ballot box were readily available online and via a word-of-mouth campaign.
I did not move to Westport for the beaches or what the town has to provide. I moved here because of the wonderful school system it has to offer. As a candidate for Board of Education, I will listen to your voices and ideas so we can keep Westport schools excellent. My business experience and leadership will be assets to help us build on our successes. I will also be a voice for working moms and address the major concerns we are all experiencing such as bus transportation issues and mold remediation for our schools. I would like to revisit school start times as well. Another crucial area of focus is taking a sensible long-term approach to managing the infrastructure of our schools. I will help us preserve and improve the superior educational experience that Westport schools have always provided, she declares on her website.

Sarelli officially received less than 300 votes last Tuesday; however, 6 of 9 voting districts showed zero votes for Alma.

Multiple Westport residents have professed they wrote in votes for Alma at the other voting districts, and many have photo images of their ballots.
Sarelli was known to be against CRT in Westport schools, whereas other candidates did not raise the issue. One of the 'conservative' candidates, Robert Harrington, who was elected, vocally criticized anyone who spoke against the ideology.
“My party’s response to the Westport CRT signs going up is not okay with me...Our local party sadly is acting like the national Republican party,” he said. “For the sake of our party, for the sake of our town, please Westport Republican Party, please change," declared Harrington at one town event. He also supported the current School Board's efforts to push 'diversity, equity and inclusion' at the last school board meeting before the election.
There may be a rational explanation for the reported numbers above vs voter claims; however, calls today to Westport Elections as we write have not been returned.
A republican promoting CRT? That makes about as much sense as driving alone a wearing a mask, or putting a condom on and sleeping alone. That is if the republican is not a RINO.
Comparing elections in the US to those in banana republics is an insult to banana republics. Add to this the fact that it happens so overtly and with such low resistance and its like a badly written Saturday Night Live parody. Seriously, voting has become a punchline.
As Mark Twain opined "If voting mattered they wouldn't let us do it."
Every elected or appointed government official from dog catcher to president is accountable to the people who voted them into office, who pay taxes for their salaries, and expect them to do their jobs & wisely spend public funds. The major problem today is that the politicians have forgotten who the masters are and who are the servants. YOU are accountable to US, not the other way around and that definitely includes local public school boards and teachers. We are fast heading to the point where if the People suspect massive voter fraud in which their votes did not count they will see their “elected” representatives as illegitimate and therefore not obligated to obey any laws that they may pass especially laws that attempt to undermine the Bill of Rights and take away our firearms. That leads to the government trying to force compliance at the point of a bayonet against the push-back of an armed and angry citizenry joined by a mutinous military who has sworn to preserve and protect the Constitution. It is not going to end well for the government, we outnumber them.