Elizabeth C. MacDonough, Parliamentarian of the Senate

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Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough late Thursday rejected Democrats' immigration amnesty provisions in President Biden's multi-trillion Build Back Better Act, resulting in the party's Capitol Hill leaders vowing to purse other ways to provide legal protections for illegal immigrants. 

"We strongly disagree with the Senate parliamentarian's interpretation of our immigration proposal, and we will pursue every means to achieve a path to citizenship in the Build Back Better Act," Senate Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer said in a statement on Thursday evening.
"Throughout the entire reconciliation process, we have worked to ensure that immigration reform was not treated as an afterthought. The majority of Americans support our efforts to provide legal status for millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States because it would raise wages, create good-paying jobs, enrich our economy, and improve the lives of all Americans," he also said...

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