Texas Election Integrity Activists Refuse To Be Beaten

Image by Danphotoman777

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A life and death battle for our Constitutional Republic is being waged nationwide. The state of Texas is key to victory.

Texas faced a similar battle long ago. The Battle of the Alamo has become a symbol of fierce resistance from Texans. In 1836, the other side won. In 2024, Texans refuse to let that happen again.

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The free state of Texas is important to America in SO many ways. It’s beauty; its natural resources; its strong Americans, both today and in history.

Texas also has 11.11% of the electoral votes needed to win the US Presidency. Worth the Supreme battle.

The state has been both infiltrated, and attacked; infiltrated, as it were, by escapees from liberal states who forgot why they moved, and attacked by the Marxist underground who plans to steal those 40 electoral votes.

Hillary Clinton has helped with that.

The same day Trump was inaugurated in 2017, Hillary started a new organization, Run for Something, (RFS), to find, train, and fund young socialists for election to local and state offices. It was another scheme to take over conservative states. From 2019 to date, over 700 young socialists are holding offices in states around the nation.

At one time, 70 of the young trainees were on ballots in TX, and many won their elections - from dog catcher to state representatives. Lina Hidalgo, Harris Co. judge was one, a graduate of “Hillary’s Commie academy. RFS is extremely well-organized; read about it on the above link. Some are still in office.

Texas is also, of course, the epicenter of the invasion of aliens across its borders thanks to the unelected administration, currently occupying Washington DC. Governor Abbot’s “Operation Lonestar” was, in this writer’s opinion, too little too late. Like all good politicians, he had to test the waters before he dared to stick his toe in. Meanwhile, millions had invaded Texas to cost its citizens billions of dollars and incredible amounts of stress. A young girl was raped and murdered. Citizens were attacked and their lands invaded.

Oh, yes. and lots of ineligible voters were added to the rolls!

These invaders have NO voting rights, but were told to vote when they got to the US, by Majorkas, through Resource Center Matamoras, with funding from a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society on which Board he had been a member for 20 years. They were given instructions, in Spanish on their new phones, to “vote for Biden”. I do wonder how much of THAT might get lost in the translation, as they say…now that “Harris” is the name on the ballot.

There are enemies of America all through Texas. Even in high places.

It is against these forces that the election integrity warriors fight, and have been doing so for over three years. The largest group is in Tarrant County - the last large red county in Texas and the biggest one in the US - which has over 1.4 million voters.

Jenny Blount, T.K. Campbell, Sherry Moore, and Karen Wiseman are the core of the Tarrant County team. Many others share in the tedious hours of checking lists, reporting irregularities and asking questions of officials who have their figurative fingers jammed in their ears.

The Tarrant County leaders have raised funds to purchase copies of their own voter rolls, to bring to the analytical services of Kris Jurski of Florida, and his, The People’s Audit group. Texas election officials charge for information on voter rolls that should be free to the public, but this is the least of their concerns. For months, TPA and the Texas Integrity team were getting results, finding thousands verifiable of anomalies in registrations and voting. Bless them; the hours spent are unquantifiable.

Then, this last month before the election, the information formerly provided by the state was withheld until the last week of the month, so no October report will be able to be run. If these hidden, last-minute registrations, reflect what has been found in previous months, thousands of undeliverable addresses, most likely signifying non-existent voters will have been added to the rolls in the last month before the election.

The integrity team will be forced to wait till after Nov. 5, to have meaningful information. Thanks, SOS Nelson. Were the good people finding too much?

Five other higher-population counties in the state also have election integrity teams, trying to verify the status of legitimate voters on their rolls. They are all doing it with little help from their government.

Don’t be surprised. It’s the same, all around the country. American citizens are doing the lion’s share of work to clean up our elections. The government, on both sides, has done little if anything but pontificate. And get in the way. After all, the truth would not be good for a lot of political careers.

This article is an introduction to the Battle of 2024. I wanted you to be familiar with the situation, in this state with 40 electoral votes, and with the freedom fighters as well as the freedom “fryers”, who try to char the truth beyond recognition.

There is a LOT more to unpack, including the child trafficking network that is at the bottom of it all. Yes. One of the election integrity team has been working in that realm for over a decade, and has a lot to share. This will be a separate article because this subject is central to the sickness in our country today - from Jeffrey Epstein to P Diddy to every scummy pervert in DC and beyond.

To put it all in one article would be too much. Every bit of it is crucial to understand, because, as goes Texas, in many ways, so goes America. Government corruption, election INsecurities, the state and local officials involved, and the international undercurrents flooding the Rio Grande border, which spread out all over America. I want you to have time to digest it all.

I will say this, though.

Think of every bit of the miracle of life - from conception to birth, through growth and learning, to death . There not ONE PART OF THAT CYCLE OF LIFE that Lucifer’s ground troops have not tried to corrupt and destroy. Look around you. They have made some what I hope are but pyrrhic victories.

It’s more than just election of candidates. It is the Battle of the Ballot Box, where the winners will take back our free republic, or turn our nation over to Lucifer. Our Lord is definitely in the mix, as we see and feel. Ask Donald Trump.

Having a full picture of the contest ahead will make us all better citizens, better prepared.

The next article will be more detail on the integrity team, the situations they have faced and the state officials’ help or lack thereof. I’d like to say you won’t believe some of it, but it is sadly a story often repeated, just with different covers on the book.

Finally, in the last article, the cliff notes for what is happening in Texas, and why that is important to us ALL. Sound like some boring school assignment? Just the opposite.

Texas may be the keystone to the arch of freedom in America’s future. Everyone needs to know and understand. Pennsylvania, the original “Keystone State” is nearly overrun; America needs structural strength at the top. The strength of Texas and Texan Americans may be what keeps Lady Liberty’s torch lit.