Meet The Combatants

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A group of patriots in Texas are giving their all to save our freedom. As goes Texas, so goes our Republic.
The crotchety old socialist, Bernie Sanders, just reminded us of that , while stumping with the nation’s bartender, AOC, for the (dumb-as-a) Stump candidate herself, Kommy Kammy, in Austin earlier this month. When a party sends two communists out to campaign, it tells you all you need to know about their chosen direction for the nation.
That is why this group of Texas patriots, to which I’m introducing you, are so important for the entire country. And, the world.
The core group hails from Tarrant County, the largest red county in the state, AND in the nation. Tarrant County has 1.4 million voters. The Tarrant volunteers most frequently work with those from Collin , Denton , Dallas, Harris and Travis Counties.
Combined, these counties are the home of nearly eleven million citizens, as per the 2020 Census.. That is roughly the population of VA, TN, or AZ. Puts it all in perspective, no?
These election integrity teams have been at it since the beginning of the occupation of our nation’s Capitol, by the unelected Biden/Harris regime. The hours, dollars and family time they have sacrificed cannot be counted.
There are thousands of men and women around America who are doing the same; giving their time, talent and money to secure our elections. It is a process, requiring massive amounts of commitment. They ALL deserve our praise and respect.
I focus on Texas because these volunteers have a VERY big ball to keep in the air. Should that come crashing down, and the 40 electoral votes of Texas go to the Marxists, most believe that we are finished as a free republic. I’m one of those.
Only the LIB-otomized - whose brains have had the thinking lobes removed via the mind control in media and entertainment - ONLY THOSE folks don’t understand where our nation is today.
America is on the verge. Where that goes depends on good moral people, including those in office.
The Texas integrity teams understand the weight of their task. They are giving all they can. Twelve hour days are not unusual, they tell me. They have little time for personal lives and are spending their own money on their work. They are more than willing to do this all, to save America.
Their mission is fueled by a spiritual energy.
* * *
One of the Tarrant County team recounted her days and how efforts for election integrity are treated in her county.
“During election season, I serve on the Ballot Board daily, seven hours or longer. I also record anomalies and troubling events. For example, when I try to point out to the Republican Lead Clerk on the Ballot Board that we need "batch sheets" with names and VUIDs, he yells at me loudly, and warns me to stop asking questions. When I point out to him (in a query) that the Ballot Board is counting ballots and pulling thumb drives (with those results) from an early voting site when the law explicitly says that we must wait until election day to do that , he provides an extremely strange answer and doesn't stop the count”
“Off season, I use the reports in The People's Audit system (Kris Jurski and team, Florida) to challenge local authorities and the SOS to clean voter rolls. I use the tool of a Public Information Request (PIR) to get answers on anomalies I find. I work with my fellow patriots to write and pass resolutions in the Republican Party Executive Committee Meetings.
“As a precinct chairperson, I educate my neighbors on policies and events. I assist in training new volunteers in poll watching. I read a lot of articles and attend events where a political candidate is speaking or an election integrity expert is speaking. As the Election Lead for CDF (Citizens Defending Freedom - Tarrant, I share my findings with others in CDF and attend those meetings where a candidate or an election integrity expert is speaking.
Let that sink in. This is a snapshot of one volunteer’s daily life for the past three+ years.
These patriots are working to prevent illegitimate voters from being placed on the rolls to vote, which should be the goal of all election officials in every state. However, many fail to cooperate, obstruct, or actively oppose the efforts which has made their work all the more difficult.
It would help if Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, or Secretary of State Nelson, would do more than voice support for election integrity. Here’s how that has played out.
Under Governor Abbott in 2020, Trump won Texas by 5.5 percentage points, the closest margin of victory by a GOP presidential nominee in decades. Many Texans smelled rot, and wanted an investigation.
In 2021, at Trump’s request, a peremptory “audit” of the four biggest counties, (2“R” and 2”D”) Harris, Tarrant, Dallas and Collin was conducted. An acting election administrator in the SOS office said no problems were found. The position of Sec. of State had been vacant since May of that year, in the 6-month gap between the resignation of Ruth Hughes, and the appointment of John Scott.
Since Abbott’s election as Governor in 2014, there have been six Secretaries of State, a veritable turnstyle. The last before Nelson, John Scott, served for a brief time as both SOS and Attorney General. To me, this indicates problems with election administration under Abbott.
The Governor’s election integrity bill, SB1, was passed in Sept. 2021, and as far as I can find, the subject was never addressed by him again.
Gov. Abbott, don’t forget, is on China’s short list of their favorite sitting governors in the US. , and, according to some sources, considered a member of the CCP. Whether or not you believe this, then Sec. of State, Pompeo, warned these listed governors, at the meeting of the National Governors’ Assn. in Feb. 2020.
Then there’s Lt. Gov. Patrick, who seems to support the concept of election integrity, but complains of problems from other legislators.. “Many key bills regarding voter integrity and elections passed the Texas Senate only to be killed in the Texas House under the leadership of Speaker Dade Phelan. Most never even received a hearing in committee. The Texas Senate passed 23 election-related bills that did not pass the House. These bills would have been a step toward restoring the public’s confidence in fair and honest elections in the State of Texas. It’s an absolute disgrace that Speaker Phelan killed these critical bills,”
Speaker Phelan dialed back cocktails long enough to try to lead the legislature against Ken Paxton, in 2023 , accusing him of bribery, corruption, et. al. Paxton was cleared of ALL CHARGES in 2023.
AG Ken Paxton is the only one who seems able to focus on election integrity. (Was that why he was targeted?) As of this month, Paxton, has just won a temporary stay to keep the state’s election integrity bill SB1 in place through the Nov. 2024 elections. He is also questioning the “smurfing” of donations through Act Blue.
Texas SOS, Jane Nelson, has shown mild interest in election integrity, from time to time, yet she bothers me the most. She has issued a few recent proclamations, including the mandate, “Emergency Advisory to redact a voter’s identifying information from their votes. Huh?
So, let me get this straight. Personally-identifiable information includes all identification that could validate (OR INVALIDATE) the one marking the ballot. So it is now removed from “public inspection”.
Nelson’s publication “Your Rights” when voting, begins with, “As a registered voter in Texas…” and never ONCE refers to citizenship or proof thereof as a criteria for casting a ballot.
IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, Nelson’s office has held back crucial October 2024 information on mailing addresses of voters, which is where the corruption in TX data has appeared. This is the one column which is needed to be monitored closely. The Texas integrity teams had bought and paid for this information, an had received it every month EXCEPT FOR the current one. Instead, suddenly, the SOS office refunded their money. It remains to be seen if they will ignore the November list as well.
So, that’s the summary of the “support” from TX state officials that the hard-working citizens face: Abbott, silent; Patrick, shifting blame; and NELSON, removing voter identity, including addresses, Soc. Sec. numbers, from the ballots once cast, and shorting the activists the information, which they had every right to have.
Yet, they persevere.
If your head is swimming, hang on. This was only the State level. Then there are the local officials.
Heider Garcia, was Election Administrator (EA) of Tarrant County from 2015 - 2023. He resigned after some contention raised on “computer glitches” and late reporting of results in Tarrant County in 2022. The head of the Tarrant County Democrat Party was “sad”when Garcia left. Read on, you’ll see why.
Prior to coming to Texas elections, Garcia was a SensorMatic engineer in Venezuela in the early 2000’s. He then went to work elections in the Phillippines, but got in trouble due to his machines being inaccurate on both dates and times. From there, he enriched his left-wing approach to elections in California before coming to Tarrant Co. where, he created new systems and weakened election security.
Every attempt made by the election integrity team, to provide evidence of problems, or ask his help on an issue, was rebuffed.
Garcia is described by constituents as “slick”, “smooth” and “liar”, but those qualities were obviously valued in Dallas County, were he became their new Elections Administrator in 2023. He fits well in Democrat land.
During this year’s election, which began last week, multiple “discrepancies” have been found, between voters’ choices and machine tallies.
Just days before voting began, Allan West, Republican County Chairman of Dallas County, submitted a statement, expressing “grave risks” about problems with just-tested voting machines; ES&S, and Hart-InterCivic.
Machines, in testing immediately prior to the first day of voting, were flipping votes, R to D. West skewered the offices of Paxton and Nelson, for not pulling the offending machines, or allowing just two Hart InterCivic and two ExpressVote (ES&S) machines to be tested. Nelson’s office went so far as to give a WAIVER to permit Dominion reset in violation of Texas Election Commission law. Election oddities seem to follow Mr. Garcia from country to country, county to county.
Garcia’s replacement in Tarrant, Clint Ludwig, is equally ineffective for the task of securing the vote; the volunteers believe he in “in over his head”.
In the latest questioning of the machines’ performance, Ludwig, said that a citizen marked the wrong name, it wasn’t the machines!!! A UT professor, Janet Johnson, said, "I was looking up studies, and it's very rare that there's voter fraud. There's any type of complications. It's very, very rare," Johnson added. Be reminded that in 2020, Democrat professors outnumber Republican ones, 9:1.
Tarrant County officials (not our patriots) started their own election integrity task force in 2023, to make it easier for citizens to register complaints. They announced that it would take no addition of staff or funds. It’s kind of like DeSantis’s Election Crimes Unit - more about show than go. Only that one costs Floridians upwards of $500k/yr.
It’s county’s responsibility to make sure rolls are up to date and clear, and to synch data with state election office. The county election administrators are failing, even when they have help, like from The People’s Audit
The Texas volunteers teamed up with Kris Jurski and his TPA (The People’s Audit) of Florida, towards the end of 2023, and were finding hundreds of anomalies in voter address records. The TPA systems use addresses to ascertain eligiblity of registrations, rather than party/non- party declarations. They are proven very effective. The anomalies are presented to the country election administrators for them to use to make their rolls more accurate.
The Texas integrity teams started with undeliverable addresses, or UAA’s; challenged 571 which were UPS centers, laundromats, churches, etc. They only sent the most egregious to the County election office, so as not to anger SOE’s. (Wait…wouldn’t you think someone in charge of elections would be thrilled to have help keeping them honest? If so, you’re part of the fast-fading moral generations.)
Then, they challenged dozens of registered dead, by using obituaries, grave markers, and funeral parlor records. They challenge addresses of places where people don’t live (the criteria for this, Jane explains, is where people can’t take a shower). Even these are not being removed expeditiously. They went down list of “impossible to pronounce or spell names” (gibberish) and checked for mailing addresses.
It took the volunteers months of lists to find over 400,000 stolen Soc. Sec. numbers, using a data test, which is public information, but of which TX election officials had never heard. Jane Nelson, SOS, cried false, and then never followed up. None of this proven bad data was removed.
In July and August 2024, statewide reports showed 113.894 and 115,503 people, respectively, with same name and birth date. Tarrant County has approximately 5% of those totals in both months.
These warriors are doing the job of the paid county election officials, who, even when given the evidence, are NOT taking the proven violations off the rolls. Every invalid address left on the voter rolls is a potential vote by someone other than a registered citizen.
And, on top of it all, a caravan of invaders, over 20,000,000 strong, passing into Texas!
Just reading about these good patriots and everything they DO should be enough to open the eyes of America.
Again, in the words of one of the volunteers “we all stand behind our work and are committed to lawful, verifiable and transparent elections in Texas”.
Lawful, verifiable and transparent. Key concepts that should be part of every election across America; it’s terrifying, how far we are from that.
The reality is stark. Party labels mean nothing. In 2024, it is official; we are voting for our Constitution or Communism.
Your job is TO VOTE, on election day if at all possible. Vote every down-ballot race, to support Constitutional governance. Take several Conservatives to the polls with you. Examine your ballot carefully before putting it in the machine. Doing this, you will help to douse Luicifer’s flame, and keep Lady Liberty’s, lit.