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Washington State Senator Patty Murray has been caught criminally laundering money into her campaign by Wisconsin independent journalist Peter Bernegger, working with CDM contributor Chris Gleason.
Bernegger notes 'this is just the tip of the iceberg for Murray, a 'quick' data run of the top smurfs found to have had their identities stolen by the campaign.

We'll see...our new AG doesn't seem AT ALL interested in prosecuting corrupt Democrats.
Or Republican Neo-CON Zio-Crooks like Senator Tom Cotton R-AR, who 'Smurfed', aka STOLE $131 MILLION from USAID American Taxpayer $$$$. Cottonmouth already announcing his re=election campaign, and the MORON Republicans in Arkansas will happily re-elect him!!
yeah he was on the seattle times with ferg an saying for Trump to follow the law? LOL
what a joke he needs to get busy and start investigating federal mail crimes being committed by COUNTY OF BENTON there are at least 200 victims!!
So the Mom in Tennis Shoes is the Criminal Democrat we all knew her to be, but the Joke we call American Legacy Media gushed all over her as the Mom in Tennis Shoes!. That’s all they could talk about! I was Living in Washington State at the time she was elected. The Democrats pretty much ran everything just like Oregon and California and that’s why the Three States are total Cesspools!
I too have lived in the communist state of WA and have serious doubts about their "elections". Rather, they are 'selections'. The place has been corrupt for years. I truly do not understand how people stay there and tolerate the mess. Saying, "well, my family / friends are here..." doesn't cut it. Just my view.
Republican Dino Rossi WON the Governorship about 20 years ago, but then the Democrats 'Found' more 'Ballots' after Election Day and STOLE it!! since then, Republicans can't win Shiite in WA, not even Patriot Joe Kent in a lean Republican District!! RAMPANT DEMOCRAT VOTER FRAUD with NO ID and All Mail-In Ballots!!
That's 4 so far, keep going guys Americans need to see this! Appreciate everything your doing to expose the criminals in Congress.
Agreed uh er salud to the reporters.
My, my, my, isn't this whole exposure of the rats & rinos is fun to watch. I wonder how all of them will try to plead out of their criminal behavior? Now that we all know how the pols actually get rich after being elected to DC.
And, yes, I do expect DOJ to deal with them, eventually. Right now, I'd say that Pam Bondi and her crew have a ton of illegal actors to deal with.
I'm patient. I know it's coming.
Where is the rest of the article, and the details of smurfette ?? These Bernegger articles have always been very short, lacking details. We expect that All Democrats and many Republicans are involved. I also expect that the cessation of foreign aid from the fed has made ActBlu panic stricken, as they would have to be funded by people and not the Fed.
Patty Murray is by far the best that democrats have to offer. She is corrupt, deceitful and a down right liar. Corruption by the Washington state democrats has been going on for years. Not only corruption but election fraud runs rapid. My question for all you Washatonians is? There are better deserving democratic state leaders than Murray, so why keep voting for her? Could it be that you feel sorry for her. Back in 2021 she came in second to Maxine Watters as the democrats ugliest woman.
The elections here are full on fraud and how were people to vote her out? They control EVERYTHING in relation voting....Major criminal empire and the people of washington need a valid special forces to come in and arrest just about everyone who is holding any elected office and that is not a over statement. Especially in COUNTY OF BENTON
So... Why TF isn't she in JAIL WITHOUT BAIL pending trial??
Because the AG is corrupt, too!