The Dark Ages Comith If America Falls
Image by Miguel

The Democrats are playing with fire. The fires of Hell.

I'm speaking about their attempts to bring down the United States of America as a constitutional republic.

When the Roman Empire fell, it was corrupt at the time. Rome had long strayed from its roots as a republic, where citizens ruled, versus the all-powerful emperor. However, anyone who walks through the Foro Romano cannot help but be awed by the once great civilization that existed in that place. We still don't even know the amount of knowledge that was lost when the barbarians stormed the gates and sacked the city, after a thousand year reign.

Today our Neo-Bolsheviks want the same. They want to destroy the greatest experiment in human governance ever devised, built on the legacy of Rome and Athens.

Our Founding Fathers were brilliant political scientists, and their creation was hewn through the fires of revolutionary tribulation that America hasn't experienced since the Second World War.

Temple of Vesta

We have grown soft. We have allowed the weak, and the criminal, to achieve power. We have allowed our youth to be corrupted in our so-called schools. We are now finding out, as we suspected, that the Obama Administration was an attempt to destroy all the protections the Founding Fathers put in place, an attempt to rule by decree ("I have a pen and a phone."), and use the awesome power of the American state against the Left's political enemies, similar to the corrupt Roman Emperor Commodus, whose reign was filled with criminality, chaos, and decline.

They almost succeeded.

Thomas Jefferson Memorial
Image by

If America falls as a free country, adhering to the rule of law, the world will experience another dark ages, for another thousand years. Evil will reign. It is creeping into Europe already, as the fires of Notre Dame have so vividly shown. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea want nothing more than a corrupt America immersed in immoral decline.

Our children's future will be destroyed.

I for one will do everything in my power to not let that happen.

Who will join me?