There is a question that is purposefully not being asked when we discuss the criminal case of notorious pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his sexual abuse of possibly thousands of underage girls.
The question is: Why were these girls, some as young as 14 at the time of the initial contact, allowed to be in a much older man's home, much less giving massages and sexual favors?
There is a simple answer; however, many just don't want to face it due to our current politically correct societal climate.
The rape and sexual molestation of thousands of underage girls in the Epstein case can be traced directly to feminism, the breakup of the family, and the loss of patriarchal authority in today's Western society.
'Progressives' love Islam; but, they conveniently don't talk about patriarchal authority in the Muslim community because it is very real, to the extreme of honor killings of females who embarrass the clan. That is not what I am talking about obviously; however, there is something to having a father control minor girls in a family, from doing things like 'visiting Epstein's mansion to give a 50 year old man a naked massage'.

I find it fascinating that 14 year old girls were able to disappear from their parents multiple times in New York City and elsewhere, or even for days on a trip on the private jet to Orgy Island. I mean, how in the world does this happen?
Feminists are known for saying 'women need a man like a fish needs a bicycle'. Well I can tell you, when those scared children were all alone and being raped by a sexual predator, I'm sure they wished they could have called in the cavalry to the rescue -- I mean call Dad!
There is something to be said for having a 'man of the house'. I know feminists don't want to hear this but I'm going to say it anyway. There is something to be said for having a father for girls, and boys, to look up to, love, respect, and yes, even fear.
Machiavelli was right when he said 'It is better to be feared than loved'.
After Epstein, Bill Clinton, and the Lefty Pedo Cabal, I think we need angry fathers more than ever.