The analogies really are humorous, if it wasn't so serious. A band of American patriot Deplorables fight the evil empire of the Deep State. The cast is replete with an elderly billionaire financier, a Jewish man who admittedly helped Nazis round up Jewish property, who looks like Emperor Palpatine himself and funds the empire's evil deeds worldwide.
While the charismatic head of the rebel force, wise Obi Wan Trump, fights for those forgotten citizens of the empire in 'flyover' country, the evil cabal's storm troopers in the U.S. government, installed by the previous wicked regime which was cast out by the people in a rare victory, do everything in their power to bring down the righteous rebel leader, the hero of the common man.
Darth Hussein plots in his DC castle, desperate to avoid accountability for his corrupt rule.
Meanwhile, the evil queen, who had longed to be the next empress, so she could seal dominance over the unwashed forever, plots her return, always cloaked in a veil of 'deniability' regarding her multitude of sins.
The empire's propaganda arm, the corrupt media, fights to spin the diabolical narrative the empire wants disseminated.
Frightened by recent successes of rebel prosecutor Barr and his Jedi Knight Durham, the empire moves the Death Star in position to destroy the rebel force once and for all, doing their best to remove weapons from the people's hands so they cannot fight back.
The Soviet Union was the first evil empire; what we are now witnessing is a rebirth of the communist evil, right here among us. It is more dangerous, cynical, seditious, and treacherous.
I'm putting my bets on the rebels regaining control of the universe in a climactic triumph of good over evil that banishes the empire's Orks for a generation.
Lastly, I think Candace Owens would make a fantastic Princess Lea.
I love it...