Feminine 'Woke' Leadership Continues To Castrate Air Force Academy

The time has come for graduates of our service academies to rise up; the globalists have gone too far in their dream to destroy American military tradition and warrior spirit.

President Trump is too busy fighting the Deep State and continues to appoint bad people to key positions, who wreak enormous havoc and do enormous damage. LTC Vindman's testimony in the coup against POTUS and the Navy's refusal to follow Trump's demands regarding Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher's position in Naval Special Warfare are the latest examples of Obama's military holdovers attempting to destroy our war fighting capability.

This article's case in point is the new Commandant of Cadets at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Brigadier General Michele C. Edmondson. Below is a portion of an email sent regarding her decision to 'cease all fourth class training' at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Effective immediately, we are instituting a training pause for the remainder of the semester to re-evaluate training objectives and create a synchronized cadet and permanent party plan to train, develop and inspire all cadets. A major catalyst for this pause stemmed from a disconnect between wing training guidance and upper-classmen interpretation of that guidance. This disconnect has led to environments where cadets are afraid to be in their squadrons, are being deprived of sleep, are being restricted and completing tours unnecessarily, are required to wear ABUs to use the restroom in the middle of the night, are being “trained” during unapproved times, and are being subjected to escalating standards in an effort to make them do more than the institution requires. Most of these examples appear to be driven by individual’s judgement on how to make training more difficult. In many cases, these judgment-based decisions reinforce the wrong values that do not result in an environment where all cadets are treated with dignity and respect and held to our own institutional standards. The risk to our cadets for potential mal-training outweighs any missed training objectives for the remainder of the year. 

How dare her! Does General Edmondson in her 'woke' brilliance think she knows better than centuries of experience by militaries around the world as to what works in training combat officers?

Her discussion of 'respect' is just double speak for the social justice warfare agenda. It's disgusting. That should not be a priority at our prestigious institutions. The slide into the weak abyss has been long and slow at USAFA but is now accelerating.

We have written extensively about the fourth class system at our service academies which in the past served itself well by forging a determination and toughness within the officer corp that many graduates credited with helping them during tough military situations and even in their follow-on civilian life. Vietnam-era grads who were shot down and became POWs said the training received as a 'doolie' is what got them through their time at the Hanoi Hilton, the notorious North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp.

The fourth class system was built over a couple centuries at our service academies, starting with West Point and Annapolis, and was further integrated into USAFA in the late fifties. At USAFA the system was meant to instill in cadets a certain toughness for perseverance and attention to detail so that 'no stress or strain will erase them'.

General Edmondson obviously has no respect for that tradition or for the logic behind it.

Now it's all about not putting too much stress on the cadets -- the exact opposite of what our enemies are doing and what is needed to win wars.

Do you think the Chinese, who are slicing open Uighers while still alive in their concentration camps to harvest their organs will give a damn about their military training being too tough?

America needs to get some sane and gritty leadership back into its officer training programs before it is too late.

The feminization of our service academies has to stop -- now! Masculinity and mental toughness are good qualities for our armed forces, not ones to be erased.

CD Media will ensure this commentary reaches the highest levels of the U.S. executive branch.

Those service academy grads who wish to get involved in our effort to force change can join our Facebook page here.