This Is Economic War
Image by Dedoshucos

At CDMedia, we pride ourselves on seeing the forest through the trees. Right now, we see a big, dark forest through the Chinese coronavirus hysteria. And, it's evil.

Where were we just a few weeks ago? President Trump was triumphant in the trade war with China, having brought the leadership of the Communist Party of China to its knees economically. 30% of Chicom manufacturing had been lost. American manufacturing was returning. Tariffs were still in place. In short...check mate. The dreams of Xi Jinping of world domination were in jeopardy. In fact, Xi's position in power was in question...he disappeared from public view for two weeks.

America had become energy independent, becoming the dominant producer of crude oil globally. Our economy was ascendent. You hadn't seen anything yet.

Trump was on the way to easy re-election, having defeated the Deep State (controlled by Chinese communists in addition to our legacy media) in multiple attempts to remove POTUS from office in order to protect their diabolical designs.

Then Boom! A global pandemic originates in China...after Chinese spies were arrested in Canada with coronavirus pathogens on their person last year. America is on her knees with her economy completely shut down.

What is going on is not a coincidence. If you think it is, I have a fake Chinese coronavirus test kit to sell you.

This is economic, biological warfare.

But it started in China, you say? The Chinese don't give a damn about their people. They can lose a few million and not blink an eye.

This started in the same town as a highly-secured Chinese bioweapons lab. If you believe that is also a coincidence, then I don't know what to tell you.

As we have written before, this is all just a little bit too convenient.

Now let's look at what is happening with the disloyal opposition, the Democratic Party. If you listen to them and the corrupt media, China had nothing to do with fact, if you make that connection, guess what, you're a rayciss! The media is on board with this narrative, having received their instructions from Beijing.

"They are no competition Joe'"and "Comrade Bernie" are completely on board with this Chicom view of the world. "Don't worry about them!" says Biden, as his son Hunter takes home a $1.5B check.

The Chinese coronavirus will kill more Americans and do more economic damage than we can imagine, much more than 9/11, perhaps more than the atomic bombs on Japan.

Meanwhile, this virus is only killing the know, the ones that happen to be Trump voters, those that love freedom. The Bernie Bros, who love communism until they're put against the wall, will be fine. They are irreverently out in the bars, having a great time, while they stealthily infect their grandparents. Ever wonder why that is? Hmmm...could it be that they're easier to indoctrinate? Think that is just a coincidence too?

Americans need to wake up to this reality and understand that our communist friends in the Democratic Party will do nothing to stop the Chicoms from killing and repressing us much more, in fact the Dems will enjoy it, and probably get paid for cheering it on. Joe, Hunter, Bill, Hillary, they've already got their money from Xi.