Crozier Broke Chain Of Command, Endangered National Security...Needs To Go

Capt. Brett E. Crozier

US Navy brass is working hard to force seditious Captain Brett Crozier, formerly in command of the USS Roosevelt, to be returned to the helm of 'The Big Stick'.

The U.S. Navy’s top officials recommended Friday that the captain relieved of duty after sounding the alarm of a growing coronavirus outbreak aboard an aircraft carrier should be reinstated, The New York Times reports, wrote CNBC.

Apparently, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is considering the request.

Allowing this man to return as Captain of one of the most powerful war-fighting machines of the American military would be a horrendous mistake and set a terrible example for those officers junior to him in rank, and to the personnel of the U.S. military in general. It would show that any officer can break the chain of command, inform our enemies of the combat capability of our combat units, and take decisions above his pay grade into his own hands, with no consequences. It would be the end of order and discipline in the military, a seditious scenario the prior Obama administration worked hard to implement.

Esper already made the wrong decision by forcing the former Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly to resign over the incident. Modly was not wrong; he was insensitive, a crime worse than treason in today's ranks filled with SJWs.

Crozier was relieved by Modly after the captain’s letter pleading for help to mitigate the spread of the virus aboard the aircraft carrier was leaked to the media. Modly then took a 35-hour trip, which cost taxpayers $243,000, to address the crew of the Roosevelt, added CNBC.

In the address, delivered via the ship’s loudspeaker, Modly doubled down on his decision to relieve Crozier and called the former vessel’s captain “naive” and “stupid.” Hours later Modly issued an apology to the Navy.

Discipline and adherence to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, in conjunction with enforcement of the chain of command, is what made the American armed forces the most powerful and successful in human history.

Force Captain Crozier to retire Mr. Secretary. That is better than he deserves. For forcing an aircraft carrier offline during a biological war with China is inexcusable. He should be in the brig.