This Is It Boys (or girls, or some other pronoun)! This Is War!

Ahmaud Arbery trespassing inside a home that is not his, moments before his death
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UPDATE 5/10/20 11:05pm Additional surveillance video added showing Arbery entering a house, then running away


The initial reactions were typical, of course before all the facts came out...Racism! Murder! White People Suck! It's All Trump's Fault! It was a lynching! Vox went so far as to print the content of Trump signs in the local area. We love making liberals cry, they quoted one as saying.

I feel sympathy for Ahmaud Arbery's family. At first take, the case is disturbingly similar to an old time lynching.

However, the truth will likely be much different than the virtue signaling robots are hyping.

We have a justice system in this country. The men who shot him have been arrested. Now the case is before a grand jury who will decide if there is to be a prosecution. With the amount of pressure that is being applied to local politicians and law enforcement officials, one wonders how the men who pulled the trigger can get a fair trial.

I grew up in the South. I can truly say with all seriousness, after living in both areas for some time, that there is much more racism now in Northern cities than there is in Atlanta, or other Southern metropolises. Blacks and whites in the South have learned to get along with each other and for the most part are kind to each other.

The problems come from situations like this, where stereotypes come into play. Stereotypes are there for a reason. There is always a kernel of truth. Blacks are approximately 15% of the population but commit upwards of half of all violent crime in the United States. The black family has disintegrated, leaving millions of black youths to a life of crime and gangbanging in our cities. Black on black crime is out of control. Gun deaths for blacks killing blacks is the number one killer of black men. Scores of deaths happen every night on the south side of Chicago.

No one cares, or does anything about it. 'Progressives' don't want to be so progressive with this subject. They ignore it. For many blacks in the inner cities, a human life means nothing.

Cries from #BlackLivesMatter over 'institutionalized racism' are simply a social construct. It doesn't exist. Blacks have many more opportunities (if they apply themselves) than whites due to institutionalized 'reverse racism' that gives them priority access to most institutions of higher learning and other government freebies.

Arbery was supposedly just out for a jog, in a predominantly white middle class area. That just doesn't pass the smell test. He was miles for his home. He was videotaped trespassing on private property. He was allegedly carrying a hammer when he was shot. He reportedly matched the description of a burglar in the area recently who stole a 9mm handgun from a car. He has prior arrests on gun charges. He wasn't wearing jogging shoes, but work boots.

Surveillance video of Arbery possibly burlarizing home under construction...The man is first seen entering the frame at 13:31 in. 

Police dispatch reports show Glynn County Police Department received a 911 call on Feb. 23 at 1:08 p.m., reporting a man on the construction site, and noting there had “been some break-ins in the area lately.” 

In the timestamped security camera video, a black male wearing a white shirt and tan shorts enters the frame at 2:08 p.m. and walks into a house under construction, across the street from where the surveillance camera is located.

At 2:13 p.m. on the video, the man comes running out of the unoccupied house and runs down the street, reported KHOU-11.

What bothers me is that the liberal outrage over the Arbery killing is highly selective. No one gives a rat's rear end about all the violent crime against other ethnic groups by blacks in New York City or elsewhere. There are tons of videos out there (although Google has removed most of them) of the 'knock out game' where groups of blacks try to 'knock out' an unsuspecting white person with a punch to the head.

There has been massive violence against Orthodox Jews by blacks in New York. Stabbings, murders, beatings, theft, et cetera, et cetera.

Groups Of Teens In Brooklyn Are Playing A Game Called 'Knock Out The Jew'

There is no liberal outrage.

Below is an article from 10 days ago outlining a murder of a white postal worker by a black man. No liberal outrage.

Indiana postal worker may have been fatally shot over delayed stimulus check

The jury will get to the bottom of what happened to Mr. Arbery. The narrative told by his supporters that he was 'just out for a jog' or loved trespassing into other homes 'just to see what construction looked like', are just that...spin.

The justice system will deal with this case.

We at CDMedia hope they find the truth and justice is served, whomever is at fault in Arbery's death.

Jews in New York don't have such luxury.

Why don't we talk about the real problems for once, with clear eyes. Why won't black leaders look in the mirror and talk about the problems in their culture?

Until this happens, there really is no 'justice' in America.