Marxist Black Lives Matter Want No Accountability For Black Culture, A Tactic Right Out Of Mao's Playbook

Sampho Tsewang Rigzin and his wife in 1966 being paraded through the streets in Lhasa during the Cultural Revolution

The first thing the Bolsheviks did after the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II was to let all the criminals out of jail, and yep, you got it, defund the police. This was of course to create anarchy, to destroy the old way of life, to wipe the slate clean if you will, to create something new. Anyone deemed to be educated, or part of the old guard, was simply shot. Lenin and Stalin killed millions, including the useful idiots he used to foment rebellion.

Unfortunately, the result was the destruction of a great Russian society for the next hundred years. Moscow is still trying to climb out of the hole of corruption and repression. It may never do so.

During the Cultural Revolution, Chinese communists destroyed the old Chinese society. Its leader Mao, killed an estimated 60 million people to 'lead China into the future', at least to the Marxist future he and his fellow murderers dreamed of. The Chinese Communist Party now believes it can fulfill his dreams, and also bring this scourge to the United States and the West.

The leaders of Black Lives Matter are avowed Marxists and followers of the above strategy. They do not care about black people. They care about power. They care about tearing down American institutions of society, the grandest, and most successful experiment in human history for self-governance and freedom.

Black Lives Matter is lying to its followers. It is lying to your daughters. It is lying to the world.

Black people are simply a tool, a tool which is being used to destroy America. It it wasn't black people being used, another tool would be found.

Read Marx for some education. Read the Communist Manifesto. It is all about class envy, greed, creating divisions is society to exploit, and destroy what stands in their way.

The Deplorables stand in their way right now. President Trump stands in their way. American patriots stand in their way.

So all of the above must be destroyed.

BLM wants no accountability for black society. They don't want to talk about thousands of young black children being murdered in our inner cities every year. They don't want you to be able to talk about the obvious problems in black culture, that have been nurtured carefully by the Democratic Party for decades, as they built the new Democrat, government-dependency plantations for Black America.

This is the same party of the KKK, of Jim Crow, of yes -- slavery.

They are tearing down statues of Republicans, defacing Abraham Lincoln and other abolitionists. They are tearing down statues of those who ended slavery. To repeat, They don't care about black people. They only care about power.

Blacks, your brainwashed liberal daughters, your Karens, and your liberal 'do-gooder' friends are being used. They are being used to destroy their own futures.

At the end of the day, Marxism is nothing but extreme irresponsibility. These people don't want to have to compete. They don't want to have to live by society's rules. They don't want to behave, stop the killings, the crime, the destruction of the nuclear family in black America.

They simply want to steal.

They only want power, and they are using your children to get it.

There is no future under Marxism, communism, socialism, whatever you want to call it.

There is only repression, poverty, death.

It is coming here if we don't stop them.

You must get angry. You must confront your children. You must confront the Karen that lives next door. You must protect our history, our statues, good or bad, so we don't repeat history.

President Trump must be re-elected, or everything you know, your life, your church, your freedom, will be gone.

This is an organized, very persistent, coordinated diabolical revolution we are dealing with. Obama, Soros, the Clintons, and yes China, are all involved.

They mean to destroy. We can't let them.