The Democratic Party Has Become Highly Organized Crime
Image by Thomas Quine

The 'Democratic Party' is no longer a legitimate political party. On the contrary, they are now simply highly organized crime, that will do anything to gain power and to keep it, to enrich themselves at the people's expense.

In today's America, the Democrats are openly fomenting violence, destroying the rule of law, trashing the nation's founding, and murdering the political opposition.

They don't give a damn about America; they only care about money, and controlling their enemies.

Nothing of any consequence is happening to them.

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It has been going on for years.

As long as there is no consequence for their behavior, they will keep doing so, and America will fall.

Criminals will be criminals if they are allowed to be. The result is something like what happened in Soviet Russia, where the first thing the Bolsheviks did was let the criminals out of prison, and yes, disband the police.

It's as simple as that.

Hillary and her gang should be in jail. Because she is not, Joe Biden and 'Hangim Harris' are openly supporting the riots in our cities. Joe Biden openly laundered millions in Ukraine to his family. The State Department, FBI, and CIA openly flouted the Commander-in-Chief, seeking his downfall, and lied during impeachment proceedings. It's called treason.

Big-tech feels free to censor, deplatform, target users for violence. Our corrupt media feels free to lie and foment rebellion. BLM feel free to push for Marxism. Judge Sullivan feels free to persecute an innocent man. Socialist operatives feel free to manufacture votes. Antifa feels free to execute Trump supporters in the streets.

These people are not political -- they are criminal.

We are facing a giant evil.

If Attorney General Barr does not start publicly putting people in jail, it will get worse, and you will be eventually targeted as well. If whoever is controlling Joe Biden gets power, they will come for you, not matter if you are in D.C., or Dothan, Alabama.

It's almost too late. There is still time but it is running out quickly.

There is a reason they used to hang people in public.

Now we know.