Governor Kemp - Cleanse Your Soul
A screen capture taken from a Brian Kemp for Governor campaign ad, entitled "Jake"
Image by Betatype

Governor Kemp, the above campaign image suggests you love your children, love America, and care for her future. It suggests you care about self-reliance, the common man, the forgotten man of middle America caught up in the destruction of globalism (read communism).

You allowed the President of the United States to campaign for you based on those values.

Was it all a lie? Are you really a corrupt politician who is on the take from the Chicoms? Are you really on the take from those looking to destroy the country? Are you really so corrupt you are enabling massive voter fraud to disenfranchise 72 million Americans?

You allowed secret absentee ballot deals with your administration and the Stacey Abrams crowd, keeping the GA legislature in the dark. You allowed and enabled a corrupt election to be stolen from President Trump. You are harming the citizens of your state by taking away their choice for national leadership.

You are enabling fake recounts.

You are AWOL.

I hear you are no longer even taking phone calls from your friends and biggest supporters.

You are an embarrassment.

But it's not too late. You can still cleanse your soul and do the right thing. Call a special session of the GA legislature to deal with this massive corruption. Show us you are a real man, not a Judas with pieces of silver buried in your backyard.

Just remember, karma is a bitch Governor.

We hope you made a lot of money from the Chinese Communist Party because you will need a source of income after you are eventually kicked out of office like the traitor to the American people you are, if you do nothing.

You will get yours via a court of law in the end somehow, someday.

In spite of your treason, President Trump will be inaugurated.

And, patriots will not forget what you have done.

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