John Roberts Betrayed America A Long Time Ago
Senator Chuck Grassley administers the oath of office to Chief Justice John Roberts

I distinctly remember the exact moment in 2012. I was in my office working when I heard President Obama say on TV something to the effect of, "I think you may be surprised by Justice Roberts on how he votes on Obamacare..."

It was then the doubts started flowing into my mind about our Chief Justice.

Those doubts have proven to be correct - Chief Justice John Roberts is corrupt and has been for some time. His vote on Obamacare that betrayed the Constitution of the United States was the first evidence of this fact.

Roberts has staked out his legacy on the cause of keeping SCOTUS from becoming political. He has failed - the Supreme Court is now entirely political, abandoning the Constitution in America's time of need.

It is disgraceful, criminal, and sickening.

Roberts has now been 'outed' maneuvering the court to not take up the lawsuit from Texas and many other states regarding the 2020 presidential election. The Trump campaign has now called the courts corrupt and is moving from 'law fare' to 'political warfare'.

This is how far we have sunk as a republic.

We have said it so many times on these pages but CDMedia will keep shouting from the mountain tops -- if we do not act now, we will lose our freedom forever. Put pressure on your state legislatures, your Congressional representatives, you Senators to do the right thing.

Otherwise all is lost.

Your children will not have the same life you enjoy now. It will be gone forever.

John Roberts is a traitor.

Now I wonder about the three justices appointed by Trump - are they corrupt as well?

CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective in speaking the truth! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!