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The beast is afraid...of The Deplorables. There are eighty million of us after all. We also believe passionately in the republic and what it stood for in the past, and will stand for again.
The beast knows this. At its core, the beast is a weak criminal, a schoolyard bully, a self-serving monster.
This is why there were over 30,000 U.S. military in Washington, D.C. over the last few weeks. This is why Nancy Pelosi wanted crew-served machine guns pointed a law-abiding Americans.
This is why they are going to use the national security establishment of the United States to go after its own citizens. Unfortunately, all the 3-letter agencies and the Department of Defense have been largely infiltrated, at least the leadership for the most part.
The silver lining of all this is that our domestic enemies have taken off the mask. Their corruption and rot is out there for all to see.
Now you know how evil they really are.
The useful idiots that voted for Barack Obama did this to us.
However, it is not too late. We can reclaim the republic, without violence.
It will take determination, grit, and perseverance; but, it can be done.
Organize with like-minded patriots. Get off the commie social media networks. Get on Gab, Telegram, Minds and others. Order the Gab phone when it comes out. Don't buy another iPhone. Get on Gab TV.
Stop giving money to globalist media and corporations. Our economic power is our strength.
Just stop...cold Turkey. No more excuses to watch Fox, or shop at Walmart.
Find a local hardware store, a local grocer, and support them.
Superman is not coming; we can do this ourselves. We can reclaim America through the states - for all peoples and all races.
This will take pressure on weak state legislatures. However, they hold the power, per our Founding Fathers brilliant vision.
Don't accept any more GOP subterfuge and betrayal.
Hold the line my friends, we will get America back in our lifetime.
Pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking. This is no time for summer soldiers and sunshine patriots worried about keeping their retirement accounts...
Oh BS. We’ve known all along who the corrupt swamp is. It’s time to start killing them. Whether it’s gov. Wretched Cuntmer, Peter puffer son lemon, rino traitor turtle and his pillow biting friend graham, and any democrat anywhere, with the possible exception of Tulsi Gabbard. Talk about a target rich environment. I am absolutely calling for insurrection against a tyrannical and falsely installed regime, their financial backers, and their propaganda arm. Kill ‘me all.
Mr Wood read this book
FEAR GOD and Take Your Own Part
Theodore Roosevelt wrote this in the year of our lord 1913 and it articulateS A PACIFIST and this is what you hope and wish can be done to quell this rebellion with as a organized movement to STOP the EVIL in all CAPITALS that now has control of all things known to AMERICANS
Fool’s errand
If you don't turn back to God no amount of work on America's part will amount to a hill of beans. ll Chronicles 7: 14
I've been trying to find a great source of media and my son sent it to me. Ive been kicked off facecrap 5 times today again 3 days in jail. I did manage to get some great hits on the power turds, it wss worth it. Thanks for the awesome information.
One wants to mock the Deep State's over-the-top rhetoric. Threatening at least half of this country for very traditional and mainstream beliefs though speaks of a worrisome confidence. Think of Brennan, Comey, Clinton, and all the other Swamp rats caught red handed violating criminal and civil laws, and their unwavering belief that they would never face punishment. And they didn't. None of us should think for a moment that the Deep State is just blowing smoke. Their arrogant statements indicate they are sure they have the means to subdue this country quickly and totally. Think about that. As the Bible says, "Gird your loins and prepare for battle."
The kingdom of God suffers violence and overtake it by force. They will soon start cherry picking and disappearing opposition figures. Bolsheviks revolution has come to America
God bless America
BWL and El Gallo are right. Time to gut up, nut up, or shutup.
The only thing the evil "beast" understands, is violence to accomplish its goals. And the only way to communicate in a language it can easily understand, is smashmouth violence right back at it!
The ship has sailed long ago for peaceful resolution of our differences. The left doesn't want it, nor are they worthy of it.
take a chill pill BWL. one battle does not win the war and your words are being copied. it,s the 21 century/1984 mode.
among many things Trump accomplished in 4 yrs he sure did point out the graft and corruption moving along in DC. WE, the American ppl have become lazy and comfy in our little world. nowhere on this planet has life been so fulfilling. just look at every scavenger trying to get here. if it,s SOOOOOO bad why come?