Once You Realize The US Government Is Organized Crime Syndicate, Everything Makes Sense
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I shake my head at people who are continually amazed at Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc, de-platforming people or organizations, or blocking their content. Being outraged over these tactics by the enemy is so five years ago. As we have written many times, if you are still on these communist surveillance platforms, you are just wrong.

Forgive the cliche, but Americans need to wake up.

It is time for Americans to see the big picture. In fact, it may already be too late for this 'red pilling' of the nation.

Joe Biden, or should I say his handlers are destroying America. This is completely obvious. The border is being invaded, our financial system is being eviscerated, our military is being overtaken with communists, we could go on and on and on.

We can no longer hide from reality.

Joe Biden knows he is destroying the country. Joe Biden is just a place holder. The regime doesn't care about the future of America because they don't believe America will exist in the near future. Because, they plan to destroy her, and the Deplorables along with it.

They have a couple years and that will be enough time in their view, no matter what happens politically.

They are not worried about future elections because there won't be any future elections, not real ones anyway.

Did you think they would just let their progress in the last nine months slip away?

Donald Trump did not do what was necessary to stop the destruction of our nation. He probably didn't realize what was happening before it was too late. And, we all know he was surrounded by traitors.

Something is coming. We don't know what. I think the electric grid is probably the first wave, then our healthcare, food supply, water purification. Let's reimagine, shall we?

It's time to join with like-minded patriots

It's 1776 all over again.

America will be free again in the future. But, there is a long, painful row to hoe to get there, unfortunately.

CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!