Mike Pence Who Received Mysterious Coin For Betraying Trump And Sealed America's Fate, Talks About Biden Evil

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Former Vice President Mike Pence took a mysterious coin after his betrayal of President Trump when counting electoral votes last January. It was entirely reasonable for Pence to send the electors back to the states as several state legislatures requested as even then the evidence of massive election fraud was rampant.

Pence did nothing of the sort and betrayed Trump and the nation

On FBN’s “Kudlow," Pence now talks of the evil consequences of the Biden administration's actions in Afghanistan as he seeks to rehabilitate his political career.

It won't work Mike.

“Larry, weakness arouses evil, and the Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan this August was a disgrace,” he said. “And it was a disservice to the generation of Americans who wore the uniform who served, especially those who sacrificed in Afghanistan, defending freedom. But there is no question that there was strategic implications to that disaster as well. And it is — it’s one of the reasons why I — I have spent time with some families of our service members who fell among the 13 at the attack at Kabul Airport.”

“And I just have — I have told them, and I tell anyone looking on today, nothing of what this administration did in mishandling our withdrawal of Afghanistan will ever diminish the honor that’s owed to them and their families and all those who served, but now, more than ever, we need to send a message of strength to the Asia Pacific to stand with our treaty allies, with Japan, with South Korea, with Australia,” he added. “And, yes, we need to live up to the Taiwan Relations Act and make it clear to China that the United States is going to uphold our treaty commitments in that region. We have to — we have to make up for — sadly, we have to make up for the strategic implications of that disastrous withdrawal. And my hope is this administration will do just that.”

It takes evil to know evil Mike.

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