Our Enemies Want Secession, Civil War

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"God Damn America," said Barack Obama's minister.
This is the principle the OBiden regime lives, and works by.
The world knows this administration is a Potemkin ruse.
Joe Biden is not leading this country. Joe Biden is eating smashed peas for lunch. Joe Biden doesn't know what room he's in.
The reason Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg can take two months maternity leave in the middle of a supply chain disaster is because he doesn't run anything anyway.
The reason Jen Psaki can get up in front of the world every day and lie with impunity is because she is just a prop in The Biden Show. Buy Tide stain remover to keep your clothes fresh and clean!
And a show it is.
The real power lies elsewhere. The real power lies partially in Barack Obama's D.C. mansion where his second term is running its frightful course, where Susan Rice and Valery Jarrett work their dark arts.
The real power lies in Beijing, in Davos, and wherever Bill Gates, and other oligarchs happen to gather for the weekend.
Their aim is to destroy America. There aim is to destroy freedom, and make you and your family slaves.
The want division. The want secession. They want civil war.
But there is a problem for our overlords. It seems Hispanics and Blacks want a good future for their children as well. It seems minorities want their neighborhoods safe, and their schools to teach 2+2 = 4, not 5. It seems a majority of Americans of all colors want prosperity, not a handout.
Blacks, Hispanics, all minorities are moving towards the America First movement. We once again will become a shining city on the hill.
They are trying to destroy us as fast as possible. They are wrecking our economy, our education system, our churches, our military.
But, there is a new movement afoot. It has nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican. It has nothing to do with left or right. It has everything to do with freedom versus control.
Of course they will try to put the last nail in America's coffin. Something very bad is going to happen -- a black swan -- another virus, destroying the electric grid, a dirty bomb, a kinetic war, we don't know.
But be of good cheer. We will see America free again in our lifetimes.
After these treasonous bastards are held accountable, we will be more united than ever before.
Stop the talk of civil war. This is what they want.
Prepare for The Great American Awakening.
Patriots now realize our children's future is at stake.
The sleeping giant has both eyes open.
Now I know what you mean when you call yourself a writer of fiction. Sure hope your books are more believable and better written then this. Who am I kidding? We all know that’s not the case.
We need a coming together, or the rest of the world will surely fall behind a cloud of misery, isolation and authoritarian control.
Pretty much the same concept.
Working on a compilations of essays written since the start of this "planned" mess.
Let us hope that the common man, wherever he is, can see and bring together those still fighting the COVID propaganda and old political battles.
You have a better plan, I would like to hear it?
We need a new deck of cards with the Ace of spades being Barry, Ace of clubs GSoros, Ace of hearts being Jarrat, Ace of Diamonds being Zuckerberg and so on and so on....... Just like Iraq...
"Justice" needs to be restored at the DOJ and the corrupt FBI needs to be defunded (not the police). Then the corrupt can be held accountable. That would go a long way to saving our Republic.
biden and his communist cronies in every facet of american society will be banished, imprisoned, in hiding, executed or otherwise dead pretty soon........watch.
I pray you are right but I know there are many still asleep who will fight us at every chance.
The ongoing COVID-19 nonsense here in the United States exists solely and exclusively because our governments have failed to use the correct treatment. They used so-called "vaccines" when Japan has just proven, in less than ONE MONTH, that Ivermectin can wipe out the disease. IVM was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine in 2015. One of the 3 most important drugs in human history: Aspirin, Penicillin, and Ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! https://health.p0l.org
I think you meant, "The real power lies partially in Barack Obama’s D.C. mansion where his "THIRD" term is running its frightful course