Former West Point Cadet Hannah MacDonald Speaks Of Life After Medical Tyranny

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Guest post by Hannah MacDonald
On October 19th, 2021, I was honorably discharged from the United States Military Academy at West Point. Departing from the Academy was anything but smooth. I had no job lined up, I had yet to apply to any college, and I was overwhelmed with a plethora of voices scolding me for giving up the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Thankfully, I followed the voice of God over the voice of the world and embraced the unknown.
After going public with my voluntary separation on the basis of resisting illegal mandates, I received much hate and backlash. I knew not everyone would understand why I was doing what I was doing, but all I could do was pray that I could be an encouragement that sacrificing for truth, even if no one else understands, is worth it. Months later I can still tell you, it is so worth it. Despite having felt so lonely and isolated for so long, I have no regrets in my decision to leave or my decision to publicly embrace what I believe.
I entered West Point with the heart to lay down my life for our country, yet the political agenda of the system was far greater than any honorable intention I could have clung to in order to justify my submission to the machine. Despite the glaring illegality of the Covid vaccine mandate, I was not going to serve four years in the “most prestigious military institute” submitting to illegal orders and abiding by the ethics of men and women who refuse to be held accountable. The Covid vaccine is ineffective, dangerous to our service members, and illegal to force upon anyone, given that the FDA approved Comirnaty is not being distributed anywhere.
The data in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database exposed by Senator Ron Johnson reveals the exponential increase of adverse reactions from the Covid vaccine within DoD service members, yet General Lloyd Austin’s immediate response was to cover it up. As I witnessed at the Academy, much like the Military’s higher leadership, there is no fight for facts or science and a fast dismissal of critical thinking and questioning. Many of the men and women we are submitting to are grossly corrupt, and I had no choice but to leave and cling to truth, praying that from the outside I could help raise awareness and bring back honor to our once renowned Military and Service Academies.
Shortly after Gateway Pundit released an article detailing the story of fellow former Cadets Willow Brown, Nickaylah Sampson, and myself, the Chief Staff Officer at Hillsdale College, Mike Harner, reached out. He was incredibly encouraging and offered to fly each of us out to tour Hillsdale. After applying and being accepted, the college offered all three of us a very generous amount of scholarship money toward our tuition and boarding. While Nickaylah quickly enrolled and started classes in early January, Willow and I had to defer due to personal reasons, and I pursued education in the meantime in my home state.
January 16th, 2022, I moved into Boston Baptist College, and it has been a major transition from military life (which I still miss for all the good it had to offer). However, I absolutely love being surrounded by honorable and God-fearing young men and women. I took a five hour class everyday for the first two weeks in an expedited course on the life of great evangelists. Since then I have settled into a more normal schedule of Theology classes, ranging from the historical claims of Jesus of Nazareth to dissecting the hermeneutics of Scripture. I could not be happier studying God’s word amongst God’s people. My heart is so full of gratitude for where God has brought me and the amazing people He has surrounded me with. President David Melton has been a blessing in both my personal and spiritual growth, as have the other Boston Baptist Professors and students in just my short time here.
The biggest difference in my contentment at Boston Baptist over West Point has been Boston’s Baptist’s commitment to Truth. Our country is falling apart because we have turned from God and embraced individual truths and reality. There is no “your truth” or “my truth.” There is one truth and it is God’s truth found in the person and nature of Jesus Christ. The students and staff at Boston Baptist have great respect for the values America was founded on, and they each desire to protect those values and lay down their lives for the Gospel message. It is a different kind of army I have found myself in, yet God’s army is exactly where I need to be.
As difficult as this journey has been, I am thankful for all of it. I am thankful for the good experiences and mentors at West Point, I am thankful for the way I was forced to grow during my season of unknowns, and I am thankful for the generosity of Hillsdale and the education of Boston Baptist. To anyone struggling with making a decision on the basis of pursuing truth and justice versus the unknown and the gravity of what you are giving up, I encourage you to trust that God will reward your commitment to doing what is right. What is it to gain the whole world, but lose your soul? Fight for what is true and noble. Ask hard questions. Think critically, and as you look around, slowly but surely you will realize that there is hope in the trials and you are not alone. I promise, you are not alone!
Ephesians 5:11, "Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them."
God bless you, Hannah! You will be blessed!
Amazing testimony to your, Nikaylah, & Willow’s faithfulness! A great loss to the US Military but a far greater gain for the Kingdom!