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The OBiden regime doesn't seem too concerned about the November elections. Jen Psaki keeps lying every day with a straight face.

As Solzhenitsyn said, "We know they are lying. They know we know they are lying. We know, they know, we know they are lying. But they are still lying."

Two years ago we wrote an op-ed asking the Deep State 'what was next? Dirty bomb, poison the water, shutdown the electric grid?"

What concerns me is what they have next up their sleeve. The Russia Hoax didn’t work. The impeachment scam didn’t work. The Chinese coronavirus didn’t work (if you haven’t noticed, those rioters were not social distancing). And now, the race riots will not work as Trump takes on the mantle of the law and order president, leading to a November landslide (he really is a very stable genius).

Of course now we know what was next - the massive election fraud which changed the direction of our republic by a small group of evil global elites.

The question is -- what's coming next after the Plandemic ends?

The Ukraine war mongering propaganda embarrassment could be a harbinger of things to come. The reported release of hemorrhagic fever during the Genocide Games also could be a possibility.

Like we said, the OBiden* administration doesn't seem too worried about the elections. Maybe because in their mind there won't be elections?

This is the natural course of a dictatorship. Stop free and fair elections to stay in power. If they can't steal it, they will stop it, Castro Trudeau style with an emergency declaration.

So what to do? Prepare to take care of your family at the local level, and do the big six we have been preaching for some time.

  1. GET OFF (DELETE) the commie networks, they are surveillance -- Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google, etc. There are now plenty of alternatives.
  2. STOP BUYING CHINESE-MADE GOODS...PERIOD. Find an alternative -- they are out there -- even if more expensive (and will be better quality than the Chicom crap).
  3. STOP CONSUMING CORPORATE MEDIA - that includes Fox, the wolf in sheep's clothing - there are alternatives - find them (
  4. Get involved in local politics, education, etc.
  5. Support the new economy and stop buying from the corporate communists.
  6. Form a local support group.

These people have been planning this 'Great Reset' for decades. Stay aware and prepared, and don't be shocked when the next disaster strikes, and believe in the American republic.

The people will prevail.

We simply need your help to continue bringing the truth...shameless plug for desperately needed donations at this link...