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The trial is not of the former president, but of those who voted for him.
NEW YORK POST December 14, 2016
"Electors around the country are being harassed with a barrage of emails, phone calls and letters — and even death threats — in an effort to block Donald Trump from being voted in as president by the Electoral College on Monday."
Without constitutional authority, the January 6th Commission is staffed by a panel of Trump-deranged Democrats and proto-Republicans with a one-sided narrative. The other side of the story is MIA - the very definition of a kangaroo court.
LEGAL DICTIONARY: “A kangaroo court is an unauthorized, unofficial court, the sole purpose of which is to provide the image of a fair legal process. In actuality, the fate of the accused is actually decided in advance, with no consideration being made as to the fairness of the (proceedings). Kangaroo courts are typically associated with groups that practice their own brand of justice, which is outside of the formal judicial process.“
The gaslighting evidences a persistent, desperate, coercive, and frantic overreach and abuse of power, and of the American People. It perverts the national discourse having hijacked process and authority not enumerated in Congress’ constitutional franchise. The Democrat's cynical circus – a litany of specious, lengthy, political statements, lies and opinions, with no opportunity to make rebuttals - is divisive, destructive, and cruel. It constitutes the Democrat’s dysfunctional and manipulative relationship with the nation. It won't get anywhere.
VERY-WELL MIND: The gaslighting tactics we can see in every 1/6 Committee narrative:
Only Trump Deranged politicians who had voted twice to impeach the former president and had agreed to an apriori verdict were allowed to serve on the 1/6th committee.
Congress’ enumerated authority is legislative. It has no authority to investigate. The investigative powers are relegated to the judicial department under the Executive Branch. These powers are defined in the Separation of Powers clause. Rarely, Congress can overreach into the investigative realm. For example during impeachment proceedings; and only when presided over by a SCOTUS jurist, and only by using evidence provided during the discovery phase available to both parties. The two impeachments did not meet these lawfully-promulgated requirements, and are accordingly, illegal, null and void.
The January 6th Commission is a culmination of the Democrat’s conspiracy and coup. Its attempt to hammer the final nail into the American Experiment.
Having seized power not authorized in law, these Democrats discredited and destroyed the two-party system. No longer a republic, the U.S. is a quasi-Stalinist Media-Tech Oligarchy, having been sabotaged by a series of staged and videotaped panels of America-haters, the last filmed by a Hollywood ABC producer. His claim to fame, incidentally, was to cover up Jeffrey Epstein's and Bill Clinton's pedophilia, rapes, and abuse of minors.
The committee constitutes the self-same traitors responsible for the coup that succeeded November 2020.
Meanwhile, the 1/6th inquisitors charged the elected government they overthrew, for the crime of winning in 2016, and for conspiracies the cabal has itself committed.
1/6th is also a FUND RAISING scheme - the same as the two failed impeachments. All three of the Democrat's Jussie Smollett-type scams attempted to indict and convict the innocent American president for the crimes of the greedy, constitution-hating, self-dealing Cabal that came before and after him.
The 1/6th Commission’s distraction is meant to prevent the Republican landslide coming this November, to divert America from focusing on issues of vital importance, and away from the Democrat's destruction of the American nation:
- BidenFlation impoverished the American middle class and crushed the poor, as two thirds of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck,
- Biden destroyed American energy exploration which powers America’s businesses, homes and trucks. Meanwhile he enabled Russian energy to profit Putin’s war machine,
- Supply chain issues left grocery shelves bare,
- There’s no affordable housing,
- There’s a market crash and recession underway,
- Biden has slow-walked help to beleaguered Ukraine, following...
- The Afghan Fiasco which left $85 billion of American assets, state-of-the-art weaponry, to Afghan terrorists, instead of to Ukrainian freedom fighters,
- Twice as many died under Biden of Covid-related issues (with vaccines Trump supplied to Biden), than under Trump himself (when vaccines were just released following Trump's massively successful WARP SPEED initiative),
- Evidence the Democrats rigged the 2020 elections the self-same 1/6th Commission has been covering up, and distracting from, is irrefutable – and knee-jerk dismissing the political nature of the evidence is alike dismissing the political nature of the 1/6th Commission.
The 1/6th Commission’s covering up the Democrat’s gamut of disasters, negligence and incompetence, is the distraction - the gaslighing.
O’Biden whined incessantly about Trump separating illegal migrants from their babies. Meanwhile, his administration separated America’s babies from their food.
The feigned outrage during the bogus “investigation” over a disturbance with barely $200,000 easily-reparable damage is revealed by their ignoring 574 Democrat-incited riots with over $2 billion in damages and dozens murdered. Democrats conveniently ignored the years-long “social unrest” with over 300,000 participants nationwide, because these participants were their participants.
The commission:
- revealed no facts we did not know about earlier.
- failed to provide evidence that Trump attempted to overthrow the U.S government or encouraged others to do so. In fact, contemporaneous evidence proves otherwise.
- failed to provide evidence that, as preposterous as it was, a half-naked screwball in a horned-helmet Viking outfit carrying a rubber spear, surrounded by middle aged women and a few hundred unarmed men could even remotely overthrow any government, never mind the U.S.'
The January 6th insurrection was not an attempted coup. It was an attempted counter-coup!
Democrats deliberately disregarded documentation, with five Pentagon witnesses present, that Donald Trump offered 20,000 National Guard troops to Nancy Pelosi, Congress, and Washington D.C., days before January 6th. An offer the mayor of Washington D.C., Speaker Pelosi, and the Capitol Police rejected. Meanwhile, they failed to take security measures. Security at the Capitol is the House’s responsibility. Security at the White House is the White House’s.
The 1/6th Clown Show turned out to be a cynical, staged, political production that might impress children who’ve never witnessed a Stalinist trial or Barnum & Bailey.
See a difference? Me neither.
The commission was summoned into existence after two impeachments had sunk of their own hubris and failed to indict and destroy that half of America who voted for the former president. It is meant to insure that Donald Trump can never run again; that Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp will never succeed; that his promise: NO MORE BUSINESS AS USUAL will not ever interfere with the Democrat’s corruption rot, insider trading, and self-dealing - and from it, their massive self-enrichment.
Coming this November, the Gaslighters will find out whom they set on fire.
- (c) Budapest, Hungary 2022
Your article is breathtaking in its scope.!!
Do you realize that you laid out all the reasons why the midterms will be cancelled or stolen again?
The Cabal/DEMs stole the 2020 election to make sure they would not lose.
In 2022 they are going to steal America to make sure they never lose again.
It's been in the works since Trump won in 2016.
EVERYTHIND bad that's been happening to/in America has been carefully planned and executed by the DEMs/ Deep-State Leadership = Cabal, with the help of our brilliant University Professors and the pathetic RINOs in congress.
Is it an Oligarchy or Military Dictatorship that rules all of us sheeple?
Perhaps it is both.
Then who is "PRIMUS INTER PARES"??
Both and all of them and the Oligarchy is international. Make it Primi Inter Pares but you'll never know, NEVER, EVER. Besides, this has been going on since right after WW2. Follow the money as always. The only hope we have is that the originals are dead from old age and their heirs are not picking up the mantle, except for greed. And those heirs are getting pretty long in the tooth. And stop this "wait until after November" nonsense. Both Dems and Repubs are complicit and having their pockets stuffed. An election doesn't change human nature. We dropped the ball long ago when we had all the whistles and sirens going off in the 1950's and decided to ignore them. The assassination of JFK was trivialized to laughable conspiracy theories when in fact "they" were able to do then what they wish to do to Trump now but can't simply because of technology:Cameras, listening devices, facial recognition and the microchip, PCs, info moving at the speed of light, literally, etc etc. And saddest of all, we have the most undereducated, plain stupid and naive population in the US ever. That's from technology, also, namely, social media and PlayStation, a great brainwashing combo. Only God can get us out of this, and He may not, if you study the Old Testament. You can learn a lot about Him there, and BTW that is another reason: We have completely ignored Him for some time.