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In December 2022, Dr Anthony Fauci will step down as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Dr Fauci’s violation of the Hippocratic Oath’s ‘do no harm’ principle began during the AIDS epidemic where his work arguably made that disease’s damage worse by promoting false and malicious theories of transmission.
While the left is singing Dr Fauci’s praises, many doctors and private citizens who still recognize the value of using one’s own brain cells for thinking have suffered the following ‘achievements’ on Dr Fauci’s watch:
End of Natural Immunity Concept
End of Patient Informed Consent
End of the Modern Scientific Method
End of Epidemiologists’ Desire to Investigate Disease Origins (ie COVID-19)
Rise of Censorship of Physicians and Scientists
End of Government Officials and Physicians Revealing Financial Conflict of Interest
End of Patients’ Ability to View Medication Side Effects and Adverse Reactions
Rise of Medical Policy Based on Pharmaceutical Profiteering
Rise of Biased Medical Research
Rise of the Lay Public’s Blind Obedience to Mandates & Government Endorsed Wonder Drugs
Acceptance of Physicians and Government Officials Lying to Congress Under Oath
Rise of Government Suppression of Science
Rise of Elected Officials Using Physician-Led Mandates to Manipulate Election Processes
Public Campaigns to Accept Genocidal Policy
These troubling actions will take years to be reversed, if such dreams are even possible at this point due to the lengths Dr Fauci and his legions of flying monkeys (brainwashed doctors) went to censor physicians and weave such a complicated tapestry of deception and evil. Dr Fauci has clearly done immense damage to public trust in medicine and government. Due to tyrannical actions that occurred on his watch, I no longer trust the CDC, NIH, or federal government health officials and I am a practicing ER physician. Thanks to Dr Fauci, Ronald Reagan’s famous “trust but verify” adage has necessarily morphed into ‘distrust the government until the data is verified and their words can be believed.’ Integrity, not lives, is seemingly the greatest casualty of the COVID-19 pandemic as the lingering processes he created will surely inflict unnecessary death and suffering when the next pandemic arrives. Hundreds of years of scientific advancements and human freedoms have been undone on his watch.
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His direct interventions to suppress opposing views on lockdowns (specifically the Great Barrington Declaration) likely led to an excess death count in the hundreds of thousands. Disturbing discussions of teacher unions and other guilty parties seeking ‘covid amnesty’ are doing so as the public becomes more concerned with the damage done to our children by policies endorsed by Dr Fauci without evidence. Probably the most shameful and troubling assessment of his tenure is the harm that befalls a nation when government officials’ arrogance deprives them of the humility to admit that mistakes were made and to change course to mitigate further damage. Dr Fauci and his legions instead have chosen to dig in. To this day, legal and professional threats of punishment are still in place in late 2022 that are designed to prevent physicians from speaking out against COVID-19 policies. Only totalitarian societies execute such evil and damaging policy.
Hopefully, instead of congratulating him, the 118th Congress will begin hearings that will evolve into criminal investigations. Discussions cannot end with his departure. On the contrary, they must begin in earnest if science and patient rights are to be restored. Accountability is essential. Genocide charges could be appropriate.
John Hughes, MD
Emergency Physician
Veteran of OIF, OEF
Member of www.starrs.us