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It’s not just Hunter’s “Laptop from Hell” that makes people uncomfortable, it is the slimy and snarky normalization of the Biden “Family from Hell’s sexual and financial dysfunction” that is embarrassing and very concerning for America, as it should be. 

Biden is turning America into a Banana Republic. 

Just last week was the alarming announcement that the Congressional Committee on Oversight and Accountability found a $3 million wire transfer from a Chinese energy company to a Biden associate, and then of that, $1.3 million was dispersed to Biden family members, including President Biden and the First Lady’s daughter-in-law, Hallie Hunter, who is the widow of their late son, Beau Biden. 

Critics can compare Biden’s drama to Trump’s drama, but this financial investigation is a tipping point moment in history. 

It is very hard to defend the indefensible with irrefutable evidence. 

There have been signs for years well before the laptop - Joe Biden’s too familiar hugs, smelling of women’s hair in public, too close to their necks whispering in women’s ears, kisses on the lips with strangers on the campaign trail, the Tara Reade accusation, but it is now, the financial stories that makes the Biden family’s sense of entitlement just deeply troubling. Their dysfunction puts the entire nation at risk. 

America is entitled to a level of accountability. 

The mere fact the president wants everyone to think his family’s sexual stories are “normal” has been worrisome for some time.

FOX News reported on Sunday President Biden recent response to a White House pool reporter when asked about the Chinese bank transfers.  

Reflexively, President Biden did want he has done for years when asked about the family’s foreign business deals.

“That is not true,” and the president turned and walked away. 

Boundaries in the same sentence with a Biden seems to be an oxymoron.  

And, all the signs were there for decades even though the family wants the public to believe it started with the travesties from the weeks following Joe Biden’s first 1972 Senate election when his first wife and their daughter were killed in a car accident leaving young Beau and Hunter in the hospital. 

We felt for you Joe, but this is different. 

As ambition gripped Joe Biden during his 1988 presidential race, the signs were surfacing. He was more than a wisecrack blue-collar “kid from Scranton,” Pennsylvania and Delaware. 

As a presidential candidate, Biden verbally plagiarized  from British Neil McKinnock and Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. on the campaign trail, as Maureen Dowd reported then which shut down Biden’s first presidential campaign within days. 

He challenged a man on the campaign about matching his IQ to the other man, and boasted about his scholarly accomplishments. Another lie. 

Biden never ran away from that presidential ambition trying again and again for his Quest for the Presidency. 

His inner circle labored with him through the decades. He bended to the times politically supporting three strikes you are out legislation for crimes even though Hunter Biden was on a drug addict’s journey that morphed into a sexually deviant mangled drama of porn with prostitutes domestically and internationally. 

Now, the congressional committee has brought up “sex trafficking.”

Did the public care through the years? Maybe so. Maybe not. He was on Obama’s team in the end - one step away from the Oval Office. The country felt sorrow for him and his family when his son, Beau, died in 2015. Losing a child tests the strains of faith and emotions, and compassionate human beings get that level of pain. 

But, something was massively wrong when out of that tragedy came the public blessing by then Vice-President Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden begged him to make a public statement when it became known that Hunter and Hailie, Beau’s widow, were having an affair. 

Vice-President Biden announced that Jill Biden and he gave their blessing to Hunter and Beau’s widow, Hallie, for their new found love affair.

“We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together after such sadness. They have mine and Jill’s complete support and we are happy for them,” Vice President stated. 

 What about the grandchildren, Joe? 

Hunter was still legally married to his wife, Kathleen Buhle. 

The families were close. Joe and Jill’s grandchildren were close to their cousins and grandparents. Hunter was working with Joe’s brother, Jim. 

Holidays must have been interesting. Vacations even more. 

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Sometimes families get lost in their dysfunction, but political families unfortunately live under the microscope. Minor children may be off limits, but not adult children of Presidents’ and First Ladies’ or their siblings.

We heard that from Ashley Biden, when her “diary” became news. It was hard not to note the salacious comments about showers with her Father as “inappropriate.” 

Then the Delaware neighbors have told repeated Joe sunny-bathing in the nude.  

It is not tabloid journalism to call attention to this now because the citizenship are owed an explanation, especially with the Chinese financial component, and God knows what other additional foreign wire transfers. 

This is a national security issue that needs to be addressed.

The Laptop from Hell was not Russian disinformation. 

The Family from Hell’s foreign financial deals are not disinformation, especially in light of all of the classified documents found at multiple Biden’s residences and Biden-related properties. 

These foreign financial revelations are deeply troubling.  

Ukraine, Russia, China, Kazakistan, and other countries. 

Where does this end is a reasonable question.

The Oval Office belongs to Americans. 

Presidents are temporarily occupants.