Sodom and Gomorrah afire, by Jacob Jacobsz. de Wet d. J., probably Köln, c. 1680, oil on canvas - Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt - Darmstadt, Germany
Public Domain

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Originally posted at American Revival Press

You are looking at the actual ancient walls of the Biblical city of Gomorrah, the city that God destroyed by fire and brimstone (sulfur balls). The people would not stop their sinful and lustful deeds according to scripture - there was nothing of righteousness found in these cities and worse! They were totally content to destroy the foundations of the family that God had created and were (like in Noah's time) warring against the very creation itself, destroying everything.

You can reread the story in Genesis 18:16-19:29 It says in the scripture that God destroyed the cities by both fire and brimstone. Brimstone we understand to be balls of sulfur that were probably about the size of softballs or small cantaloupe's as they rained out of the sky with the fire of God.

Here are a few pics of the Sulfur Balls found littered throughout Gomorrah:

Adventurers from around the world have been traveling to these ancient ruins in Israel and finding the sulfur balls for themselves for years since Ron Wyatt first made the discovery! I have personally held sulfur balls in my hands and we lit one on fire! Is was incredibly flammable, it burned an other-worldly purple and white flame!? It burned so hot it immediately melted thru the spoon we had it on. It burned thru the spoon and then into the asphalt, down into the ground until eventually it smothered itself many inches below the ground!! I will never forget seeing this.

Here is a chart showing the size and scope of the find:

Here are a couple newspaper articles about Ron Wyatt and his find:

If you happen to be traveling to Israel the site is located at the foothills of Masada! Israel's antiquities authority was so uninterested in the find that they literally built a highway over the top of the ruins!? As you drive up to Masada you drive over the ruins of Gomorrah!

They also found indications of the other "cities of the plain" as described in the Bible but Sodom was never found. Ron and others believed that the focus of the fire and brimstone must have been directed at Sodom, secondarily at Gomorrah and so Sodom was wiped away completely for the earth while Gomorrah remained for us all these generations proving again the authenticity of the word of God!

Here is a map of Sodom and Gomorrah:

To be clear, God never wanted to destroy these cities. I encourage you all to reread the story and watch how care God was to show Abraham that He was in no way unfair or a tyrant! God then sent the angels and the depravity of the city was so great that they refused Lot's virgin daughters for the men, the angels sent to Lot. Lot pleaded with the men of Sodom, "Do not do this!" But they literally busted into Lot's house, a crowd of them, busted thru the door and went to rape the angels! But angels are powerful, they blinded the mob and safely walked Lot and his family out of the house and to safety.

Many people ask when hearing this story, "Does God hate Homosexuals"? Reading this story it would lead us to believe God hates this sin and He does. But God can hate a sin but love a person. The simple fact of the matter is that if the whole of creation ends up homosexual? What will become of mankind!? It's simple math really. God invented the family and the way to bless the earth with our generations. Homosexuality wars against the family and God's plan like little else on earth. Homosexuality quickly degrades into cross-dressing and then gender-changing procedures, warring against the creation entirely.

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There are certain sins that are far more destructive than others. Perhaps we, in our modern and somewhat "moral" world, can not imagine just the depravity of Sodom and Gomorrah but they were depraved enough to refuse virgin daughters so that they might rape angels from heaven!? What other sorts of corruption and evil were normal and everyday ways of life in Sodom and Gomorrah!? Whatever they were it was so evil that there was left no hope of redemption - and this perversion was obviously quickly spreading! We know it was because there were several other smaller towns destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah.

God has to stop this before it spread and covered the earth! And believe me when I say this news traveled far and fast throughout the ancient world as a warning for future nations and empires not to allow this perversion to spread. God can love a person but hate the sin. And the sins surrounding the LBGTQ movement as a whole corrupt the very essence of the creation of God like little else. Then, after this cancer of a culture is allowed to spread enough, it becomes Transhumanism. Life itself which God has made is entirely redefined and then destroyed. This has happened before and according to the Bible it will happen again... In fact, it is happening right now...