The terror attacks will be Biden's fault, not Trump's

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Our psychopathic overlords think we are stupid, and maybe most of us are...
ISIS is coming! ISIS is coming!
Actually, what is coming are the terror attacks on U.S. soil that the OBiden regime has engineered, by pumping millions of unknown humans into our nation, and now giving them weapons.
To my mind, the terror attack narrative in Moscow doesn't make sense.
The perps don't act like ISIS, or look like ISIS, except for the killing of course. They were Tajiks from Central Asis, a region long hostile to the Kremlin. But, they ran and were caught. Middle East ISIS typically didn't run. They fought to the death, to get those 72 virgins.
When caught, these guys were scared, they weren't hardened ideological ISIS fighters. They seemed to be a few Tajiks paid to do a dirty job.
And then there's that infamous final words from the Color Revolution Dominatrix Vickie Nuland, who warned she had some 'nasty surprises in store for Putin' on her way out the door at the State Department.
It is my belief you can't believe a word the OBiden regime says about this event or any other. You can tell they are lying cuz their lips are moving.
It has long been surmised that the Obama regime allowed ISIS to form, exist, and grow. Trump killed it in just over a year, where Obama said he could do nothing about it.
Makes you think doesn't it?
It seems the OBiden 'ISIS' has been reborn as a useful tool to achieve many goals - not the least of which is to begin to scare Americans again and launch 'War on Terror 2.0'.
There is a party at Deep State HQ tonight, wear your 'War on Terror' costume and bring cigars. The cash flood gates in Congress will open wide.
A great reason for police state lockdown isnt' it?
To steal a line from 'We Were Soldiers'...
Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves...

Because, it's coming.
LOL... the dude in the top photo looks like Zelensky.