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We love to hear testemonials from our readers regarding CDM-advertised products, and we really love sharing them with our audience.
So, when we received the following today from a CDM regular, we knew we had to get it out right away!
You can get the My Pillow Mattress Topper Special by using Promo Code CDM at checkout! Just go to!

Hi CDMedia staff, I wanted to take the time to let you know you changed my life! I have back problems from military service a couple decades ago, and have not slept well since. At my age, I just figured I would never get a really good night's sleep again. Boy, was I wrong!
For my birthday my wife ordered the mattress topper from My Pillow. She surpised me with it.
What struck me when I laid down at night on the topper for the first time was the amazing feeling of firm support, and lying on a bed of goose down all at the same time! It really is incredible.
I guess the look of plesant surprise on my face was noticable because my wife started laughing. I did not expect this at all -- I'm now a BIG fan of My Pillow products. I've ordered everything and can't wait for them to arrive.
I had the best sleep for several decades that night and now look forward to going to bed when I used to dread it from the pain.
I am a new man!
The mattress topper really is an amazing product. I highly recommend it to all your readers!
I'm doing my Christmas shopping with Mike Lindell! Great slippers...