New Yorkers Get To Enjoy Communism

As a cadet at the US Air Force Academy decades ago, I had an instructor tell me of an experience in the Soviet Union in the 1970s. Ordinary people were massed on a street corner, hurrying to get in the hours-long line for the latest product the miserable Soviet economy produced, when they were pushed aside by police to allow a government limousine to roar by on its way to the grocery store that only served the elites.
"At least someone is enjoying Communism," quipped one of the wretched bystanders.
Bill de Blasio has been 'enjoying communism' for some time now.
Today New York is the epicenter of the epidemic in the United States, with other states quarantining residents from entering. There is a reason for this -- the incompetent leadership of de Blasio and the basic liberal tendency to ignore unpleasant realities, in favor of social justice garbage propaganda.
De Blasio is a real life example of this phenomenon in real time.
In the tweet above (since deleted), it shows Warren Wilhelm Jr. (his original name) actively encouraging residents to not social distance, but to go out and party, as the virus raged across the city.
And party they did. And spread the virus they did.
A large part of the 200,000 American deaths the Trump administration estimates will occur will be from New York City. De Blasio's behavior is responsible for this.
But don't worry, while he ignored, and exacerbated the crisis, he kept his eye on the ball for social justice, and Trump hating, as the Tweets from a few weeks ago visibly point out.
This last tweet shows why de Blasio believes he can go to the gym during a pandemic but you cannot. Leading by example at its finest. When asked about this hypocrisy, he said it was to 'keep him grounded.'
We have written before how New York City is no longer a safe place to do business due to the law enforcement policies (or lack of) and wokeness of de Blasio which has increased the homeless population and generally degraded safety and cleanliness to an unacceptable level.
New Yorkers brought this on themselves by voting in a communist, a identity politics communist at that. Hopefully, they will learn from this lesson, but I won't hold my breath. I'm sure after this is over, 'progressive' New Yorkers will go right back to ignoring reality as well.
DeBlasio is a Mass Murderer waiting to happen.. Maybe happening as we speak.
Isn't this the azzhole who primarily ignored shelter in place advice, and actually went to the gym instead of doing everything he could to protect himself and his city.
Communism is not a philosophy of government but a conspiracy of criminals.
Prosecute the Communist Control Act Capitally, and we'll all fare better.
NYC and its p1ss ant tyrant can all #NaCl, and they better STFU before their screaming requests for help in that regard are heeded.
From a VERY small patch of real estate (in a state that doesn't make the top half of U.S. States in land area [meaning you could pack another kazillion illegal alien jihadis within its border and not represent another square inch of America or its values]) they sure try to push their 3 main exports: 1) Tyranny; 2) Fake News; 3) Whiney MFn B.S.
Fem all.